A New Arrival

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"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kayden, happy birthday to you" We all sang as we gathered around my little boy

I can't believe Kayden is already 1 years old. Time has passed far too quickly but I'm enjoying every second. He's such a bright, energetic little boy, and I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom. He is the center of my universe and I think Arizona will agree with that. Standing there watching him blow out his candle, excited by all the attention, I felt as if my heart was going to burst with the love I felt for him. Alex, his godfather and Meredith, his godmother stood on either side of him as Arizona eagerly held up the camera to capture the precious milestone. Everyone clapped and cheered and I could tell from his cheek to cheek smile he was loving every second of it! But of course no moment could last forever. My pager soon began to go off in my pocket. 911.

I could see a knowing glance from Arizona out of the corner of my eye. She could tell by my face every time this happened, being pulled away from boy at the most precious of moments. I hung my head and made my way towards Kayden, everyone had now scattered between rooms and no one was paying much attention.

"Hey buddy" I said quietly as I knelt down beside him as he played with his favorite dinosaur "Mommy's gotta go save some lives okay? But I'll be back before you know it. I promise" I said as eagerly as I could, so as not to upset him

"Okay" he gave a slight whisper as he leaned into my body so that I could wrap my arms around him

"I love you little man" I said as I kissed the side of his head

I stood up and watched as he waddled towards Arizona. Even at such a young age he understood Mommy had a job to do, he never cried, he never pouted, he never once made any fuss that would stop us from leaving to do our jobs, that included Arizona too. But how long would that last? How long before he starts resenting us for constantly leaving him? How long before he realizes we're choosing other people, strangers in fact, over him? But I couldn't dwell on that right now, I had a job to do, he won't even notice I'm gone.

I gave Arizona a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house and I soon found myself on that familiar road to Grey-Sloan memorial once more. I pulled up in the parking lot and made my way through the main doors of the hospital, heading to the Attending's lounge first to change into my scrubs.

"Dr Quinn?" I heard the familiar voice of Richard Webber coming from the door

"Chief?" I said as I turned turned to face him

"Dr Quinn, there's someone here I'd like you to meet" He gave a warm smile

"I was paged 911 sir. Can they wait?" I asked as I hurried towards the door

"I'm sure she can Dr Quinn but I think you might just want her in on this surgery with you" Webber grinned

"I'm sorry sir, I don't quite follow you?" I looked at him in confusion as we began walking through the halls

We stood at the nurses station as I picked up my tablet to check what the surgery was and I soon felt another presence near us. I looked up to see who was standing there when Richard began to speak once more.

"Dr Quinn, I'd like you to meet the new Chief of Cardio, Dr Christina Yang" Webber announced

I was speechless. The Christina Yang? I had never met her in person but Meredith told me all about her. She's a Cardio god! I watched, no, studied her surgical tapes a hundred times over. This was the mentor I needed.

"Dr Yang it's an honor to meet you ma'am" I smiled, starstruck at her presence, as I held out my hand

"It's Christina" she gave a small smile as she shook my hand firmly "And any friend of Mer's is a friend of mine, now I do believe we have a surgery to get to"

I shook my head in agreement as I began to inform her of the patient and the surgery we were about to collaborate on.

We arrived at the OR and began to scrub in. Once finished we swiftly made our way into where our patient lay. 34 year old female suffering from Myxoma. She had a myxoid tumor on her heart that was rapidly growing, slowing her heart rate drastically and decreasing the blood flow to her vital organs and extremities. We began to work on her immediately.

"So, Dr Quinn. Meredith tells me you're an excellent cardio thoracic surgeon, I'm glad to have you as one of my attendings. And I owe you a thank you" she said humbly, this was definitely not the Christina Yang, Meredith had described to me. Instead this was a complete 180 to the sarcastic, competitive Dr Yang I had heard so much about.

"What for Dr Yang?" I asked in confusion

"I wasn't there for Meredith when she needed me most. When Derek died I was too caught up in my own research to take some time off and come home. Meredith understood, she always did. But I should have been there. I'm just glad she had you and Karev." She explained

"She spoke about you a lot you know" I reassured her that her best friend certainly never forgot about her. "So what made you come back? What could you possibly want here that you couldn't have at your finger tips in Switzerland?"

"I got too comfortable here Quinn. I was offered Chief of Cardio 8 years ago and I walked away. I needed more, I needed to know that I could be better, and I was. My talents out shined anything I could have ever possibly achieved in this hospital. But competition isn't always good for you. I need to slow down, I need to get comfortable again, so why not do what I should have done 8 years ago." She said knowledgeably

"Well I'm very much looking forward to learning from you Dr Yang" I smiled behind my mask

"Please, it's Christina. So Jamie Quinn" she emphasized my name "Tell me a little about yourself, I heard you've swiped up Arizona Robbins?" she mused

I gave a small laugh before I replied, "Yes I have, in fact, uh- today's our son's first birthday" I beamed

"What are you doing here then?" she said incredulously

"Duty calls" I sighed

"I'm starting to like you already Dr Quinn" she smirked


Hey everyone! So sorry for not updating sooner. I've been crazy busy! Hope you all like the story so far!

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