I Give Up

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I woke up the next morning in a bed that was not mine, in a room that was not familiar to me. The walls were a soft ivory with bed clothes and curtains to match. It was open and airy with light flooding through the windows. Unlike my room in the apartment that was brown, dark and claustrophobic with Alex's mess. I soon felt a throbbing pain in my head reminding me of last night's events and quickly realized exactly where I was. I sat up in the big double bed and turned to the small locker that stood by my bedside. On it was a glass of water and two Aspirin. I smiled at Arizona's sweet gesture. Shit, Arizona! I quickly looked at the empty space beside me and noticed it had not been slept in. I breathed a sigh of relief, thanking god I did not make a huge mistake last night.

I slowly threw my legs out over the bed and stepped onto the soft fluffy carpet, wiggling my toes at the touch. I stretched my arms high into the air and slowly stood up trying not to lose my balance as I felt the room spin around me. I took a quick glance at the small clock on the locker. 7:15am. I had 45 minutes to get ready for work. I made my way out into the hall and found the kitchen and dining room just at the end of the hallway. I found a small note written on a bright pink sticky note that was left on the fridge.

*Gone to work. Help yourself to breakfast, I left some pancakes in the fridge. See you later -Arizona :-)*

I smiled as I was not surprised one bit by the bright pink note with the purple pen and smiley face. I removed the pancakes from the fridge and popped them in the microwave for a minute or two to heat up. I quickly cleared the plate and washed the dishes when I was done. I was in a long t-shirt and shorts that Arizona had loaned me last night. I walked back to the bedroom and decided to take a quick shower before work. I felt much better once the steaming water hit my skin and my muscles soon began to relax. I let the water run cold to wake me up and then placed a towel around me and left the bathroom. I stood at the foot of the bed and placed my jeans from last night and Arizona's t-shirt on top of the bed while I dried off. I dropped my towel to put on my under wear.

"Oh shit, Dr Quinn, I-I-I'm so sorry" I heard DeLuca call from the bedroom door.

I didn't even realize he had opened the door until it was too late. I let out a small yelp and I quickly picked the towel up and threw it around me.

"Dr DeLuca, I-I-I'm so sorry" I stuttered as DeLuca closed the door and stood outside "Arizona let me stay the night, she said you were gone to your parents" I said embarrassed

"No Dr Quinn, it's my bad! Turns out my parents prefer Venice Beach over seeing there son" he joked lightheartedly

"I'll be out of here in just a sec" I replied while scrambling to put some underwear and clothes on while tying my wet hair up into a messy bun

I threw my used towels into the basket in the bathroom and gathered up the rest of my things. Blushing as I walked past DeLuca, he gave a warm smile.

"I'll see you around" he smiled

"Yeah,uh, see you later" I laughed, still super embarrassed as I left the house as fast as I could

I remembered I had left my car in the hospital car park so I caught a cab to work. I entered the main doors of the hospital to find Alex there, waiting.

"Hey Jamie, have you got a minute?" He said softly

"Not now Alex, I'm already late for rounds" I mumbled as I brushed past him

"Jamie please, I need you to know I'm sorry. I never meant for you to find out like this." he pleaded

"So what Alex? You were just going to wait until Jo told you she was coming back and THEN you were going to tell me while dumping me at the same time!" I yelled as I turned on my heels to face him

"Jamie" he begged

"Save it Alex! I give up ok! I give up on you, on us, on everything! So drop it and leave me the hell alone" I spat as I turned my back to him and walked away without looking back

I quickly got to the intern's locker room and shut the door swiftly behind me.

"What's up with you?" Danny asked nonchalantly

"Nothing" I mumbled as I made my way to my locker and changed into my scrubs

The rest of the interns decided not to question my mood as I swung my stethoscope around my neck and left the room. I took the elevator up to the pediatrics floor as I was still on Arizona's service till the end of the week.

"Morning sleepy head" Arizona beamed

"Hey Dr Robbins, thanks so much for letting me crash at your house last night. I really appreciate it" I thanked her sincerely

"It was no problem at all" she laughed

"Oh and your pancakes are awesome" I smiled

I turned and went face first straight into the chest of another Doctor. I took a step back and looked up to apologize immediately.

"Dr DeLuca" I blushed

"Good morning Dr Quinn" he smiled smugly

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" I said quietly

"Oh you guys have met?" Arizona said as she scooted in beside me

"Briefly" Dr DeLuca said while holding back a smile

Arizona looked between DeLuca and me unsure of the situation.

"Okayy" she laughed in confusion as she picked up her tablet and began to walk away

"Listen about this morning" Dr DeLuca started

"Already forgotten" I waved my hand dismissively and gave an embarrassed smile as I picked up a tablet from the nurses station and ran to catch up with Arizona

"So what just happened there?" Arizona asked nosily

"Uh, he kind of saw me naked" I mumbled hiding my blushed cheeks

"Dr Quinn! You slept with Andrew?!" Arizona gasped as she turned to face me

"No no no! This morning I got out of the shower and I didn't hear him come in and my towel was on the floor and yeah. He got an eyeful" I explained

Arizona burst into a fit of laughter and then tried to compose herself

"Well you're a very pretty lady. I'm sure he didn't mind" she giggled

"Please forget I ever said anything" I gave a small laugh

"Have you spoken to Karev?" Arizona said turning the tone serious once more

"Briefly" I mumbled

"What are you gonna do?" she questioned

"I'm not sure" I sighed "I'll go get my stuff and crash at a hotel for a bit then try and get my old apartment back"

"Hey why don't you come stay with me?" Arizona beamed "Dr DeLuca is getting an apartment with Jo.... Uh I mean Dr Wilson. So there's a spare room"

"He's dating her?" I glared at Arizona

"No,no they're just good friends and he's helping her find her feet now that she's back." she replied trying to calm my mood

"So she's back for good?" I questioned further

"Yeah, but she's not working here, she transferred to Seattle Pres. So how about it? You wanna be my room mate?" Arizona smiled

"As long as you don't call us room mates" I laughed

"Deal" she giggled

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