Tears Are Gonna Fall (9)

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Beth's POV

Jess has been gone for about 10 minutes and hasn't come back yet...

Just as I'm about to go upstairs I hear a noise.

The fucking smoke detector. SHHHHHHIIITT.

"Beth, what's that noise?" he sounds so innocent, poor boy doesn't have a clue what's going on. Neither does Adele, she is in Bora Bora having a great time. Partying, drinking, having fun, having sex, honestly, this is a great way to end her honeymoon calling her telling her her fucking house is burning.

"Angelo, Hunny, I need you to go, and stay outside near the car, promise me you can do that?" I started to get worried, was Jess okay?

"Okay Beth, you go find Jess now" he really had no clue what is going on.

I put my phone in my pocket to ring 999 when we get out. I run upstairs as fast as can. I see smoke cascading out of play
room. So where the fuck is Jess?

Oh shit. No she's not.

I looked inside the other spare room, that's used as a social room to see the grandfather clock on top of Jess. Oh Shit. The room is on fucking fire and Jess is stuck underneath a clock...

The smoke is getting too much and I black out, I am fucking dead.


Angelo's POV

What is actually happening, I look up at the house as I stand back at the end of the dive way, smoke was rapidly exiting via a window. This can't be good. Luckily I remember what Mummy said, if you ever see smoke coming out of a window and not the chimney call, 999 and get the fire service, A.S.A.P. I am so scared and worried for Beth and Jess what happened to them??? I've been out here for like 5 minutes since Beth told me to go outside. Neither of them are back...

(A/N - A is for Angelo and O is for the 999 operator.)

*Calls 999*

O: Hello, emergency service operator, which service do you require? fire, police, or ambulance?

A: Uhh, uhh.... Fire please and quick.

O: I'll just connect you now, don't worry, they will be on their way.

A: Oh okay...

O: Hello, where are you calling from? Your town, street, house number or any other distinctive features around you.

A: Diamond Villa, Browston, Norfolk. It's got a lot of cherry blossom trees surrounding it.

O: Okay we've dispatched 2 fire engines, are there any people inside?

A: Yeah my sister and one of my Mum's friends. My Mum and Dad are on their honeymoon.

O: Okay honey, what's your name and how old are you?

A: Well my name is Angelo and I'm 7.

O: Okay Angelo, I'm David, do you know what room the fire started in?

A: It looks like the social room upstairs.

O: Do you know where your sister and your Mum's friend is in the building?

A: Umm well I know they are both upstairs but I don't know where. Are they going to be okay?

O: I don't know but Angelo for me could you stay calm, I'm getting three ambulances dispatched to your location. The fire team should be with you very soon. (I knew that I could hear sirens, I am so scared.)

A: They are here now shall I go?

O: Yeah, the ambulances should be with you shortly, good luck. Goodbye Angelo.

A: Thanks. Bye David.

*End of Call*

Tears started falling from eyes as I saw a fire engine pull up beside me, around 4 men jumped out of each and connected the hose to a water source somewhere. Whilst two men from each truck were doing that the others were running into the house, I guess to find Jess and Beth.

I hear more sirens and the ambulances pulled up too.

"Angelo!" I heard a familiar voice shout. It was Ali, Beth's husband. He was a paramedic.

"I'm scared, I don't know if Beth and Jess are okay, Beth told me to go outside, she went upstairs to go get Jess and she never came back"

"Oh, Angelo hopefully it should be fine, have you spoke to your Mum or Dad yet?" I could hear in his voice he was scared too.

"Uh.. Uhh. no.. not yet"

"Okay then, once we get Jess and Beth to hospital and I take to there too we will call them"

It was then I saw Jess and Beth being ran out on stretchers, I couldn't get a good look at them because they were rushed into the ambulances, they didn't look good, though. 

"Are they okay Ali?" I questioned. I'm so so scared.

"I'm not sure. You go into that ambulance" he pointed to the empty ambulance, "we need to get you checked over, I'll talk to the team from inside the ambulance and check."

"Okay" I wondered over to the remaining ambulance that had the doors open, Ali followed me, just as the doors were shut I saw the other ambulances race off.

Ali called someone I guess his boss or something because he was asking for time off work whilst the other paramedics done some checks on me as we neared the hospital.

"Honey you seem to be fine other than the fact you inhales quite a bit of smoke" this lady calmly spoke.

"Okay Angelo, we'll call your Mum now"

Ali's POV

*Calls Adele* (A/N Al is Ali and Ad is Adele)

Ad: Hello? Ali whats up, is everything fine? (she knew something was up I never call her, Beth always does)

Al: Not exactly, there was a fire at your house, Angelo is fine he just inhaled some smoke but Jess and Beth from what I can tell are in critical condition.

Ad: What, oh fuck, Simon! We're going home, Jess and Beth need us, there has been a fire, they're not good. Ali, where are you right now? (I could hear Adele's breathing become heavy as well as her beginning to sob)

Al: I'm in an ambulance with Angelo. However, Jess and Beth, I assume are already at the hospital, I don't know how bad they are. (my voice was unstable and shaky)

Ad: We're on our way to the airport, luckily our private Jet was at the airport a few hours early. We will be there A.S.A.P. so that will be this time tomorrow, we can't go any quicker, unfortunately, I'll call Laura and my Mum to get to the hospital. Call me when you get any more news Ali okay? (I could hear Simon now crying through the phone with Adele)

Al: Yes okay, bye.

Ad: Thanks for letting me know, bye.

*End call*

My heart was pounding out of my chest, I really couldn't lose the loves of my life. She was a month pregnant. We were supposed to be going to the doctors to confirm it all before we told anyone. We were at the hospital, someone opened the back of the ambulance, I swept Angelo up before running into the hospital A&E department doors.

"Where's my Wife?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"And my sister?" Angelo screamed after. Tears were flowing uncontrollably out of mine and Angelo's eyes.

A nurse walked towards us with a worried look on her face, she looked up I realized who it was, it was adamant something was up.

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