It Was Just Like A Movie (8)

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Beth's POV

Adele and Simon were now saying their farewells because their ride was waiting outside to whisk them away to Bora Bora. I hope things go well on this end so they can enjoy themselves. They spoke to Faith first, she didn't live with Simon and Adele. Then it was Angelo, after that, Jess, finally, me.

"Beth, look after my babies, have fun, love you!" she sounded really pissed off her face (as in drunk pissed), she had: 2 margaritas, a couple of glasses of champagne and a glass of white wine, I had to hold my giggles back and try to take what she was saying seriously it was hard. I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek as I knew that's all she wanted as reassurance.

"Love you, Dell, look after yourself! Enjoy yourself!" I answered. Simon then came to me, him on the other hand, wasn't drunk, he had 2 glasses of champagne and a lot of coca cola, I guess he knew Adele would just get really drunk.

"Thanks for this Beth, for keeping Jess company until we get back, see you soon!" Simon gave me a quick hug.

"That's no problem, Simon, have fun" I replied.

I was the last person they talked to. With that Simon picked Adele up bridal style and carried her out of the venue and into a limo. Not long after that, everyone left, Laura and Daniel took Faith to drop her off at her Mum's, leaving Angelo, Jess and me. Luckily, Delly paid someone to clean up, I just had to check we had all the gifts and everything that was in a way ours and call a uber to pick us up.

"Beth, are we now going home, I'm tired" Angelo sweetly questioned. Just as he said that I had a notification come through to say the uber was outside. I grabbed his hand.

"We're going now!" I said. A small smile appeared on his face, Jess came behind him and swooped him up as he was tired. All 3 of us lumbered into the rather large uber. On the way back Angelo fell asleep so we had to stay quiet.

We were soon back from a very long but happy day. Jess went and got Angelo in his pajamas, watched him brush his teeth and put him to bed. I jumped guest room shower, and put some comfortable clothes on, Jess must have had the same idea because when we met downstairs she was a baggy jumper and pajama bottoms, she was makeup free, holding a glass water.

We sat on the sofa and watched stuff on Netflix and had popcorn till she fell asleep on the sofa, under blankets. I quickly grabbed my phone and text Ali to say goodnight to him, I got a reply instantly.

B: Are you going to come round at 11 tomorrow so I can leave Jess and Angelo for a bit? Love you!! xx

A: Alright, babe, I'll see you tomorrow, love you too!! xx 

I smile at my phone and then text Simon.

B: Angelo and Jess are both asleep, everything seems to be okay, I'll see you both when you get back, enjoy yourselves!

S: Okay, thanks, Beth it means a lot to Delly and I. See you all next week!

B: No Problem look after her, make sure she enjoys herself and doesn't think of her babies too much!

Not long after the text sent my eyes grew heavy and before I knew it I feel asleep. On the sofa, probably not a good idea.


(Friday 14th August 2017, the day before Adele and Simon return from their honeymoon)

Jess's POV

Mum and Dad are coming home tomorrow, we've texted a couple of times to check up on things but that's pretty much it, I really miss them. Angelo has been so good we've done so much together, we've went shopping, we've baked, we've went to the park, we've gone to the photography place to get all the wedding photo's and we've bought frames for them all. Right now Angelo is eating lunch whilst Beth and I are wrapping the framed photos that we got extra copies of to put in frames, and also we are wrapping the wedding photo album. The photos are so cute and some are funny. Beth has been here some of the time to check things are okay, however, it has mainly just been Angelo and I which has been nice, I'm going off to uni soon, what uni it is depends on next Thursday's results.

Today, something doesn't seem right, I don't know what it is but right now something is really wrong and I just can not put my finger on it. I really hope I know soon, this shit if fucking scaring me. Just something in the house isn't right. I have this gut feeling, I haven't ever felt it before.

Just to clear my conscience I go upstairs to check everything is okay. I walk up the stairs, something doesn't seem right. I look in the social room first.



This chapter is mainly just filler, to skip time. Hopefully things will bet a little heated in the next chapter...

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