Bonus Chapter: Chanel's 23rd Birthday

Start from the beginning

"So now it's a contest." Shawn said.

"What does the winner receive?"

"They get to name the first baby." Shawn said smiling.

"I don't know why you smiling. You're gonna lose." Beyoncé said.

"Okay." He said nodding. "Did Chanel like her breakfast?"

"Yes she did. They should be here in a few so we can leave. Can you tell Blue and Ciera to come down?"

Shawn nodded and headed upstairs. He made sure the girls were ready and sent them down stairs. He went to his office to finish getting things ready for his gift. He knew he was gonna win the contest.

Chanel and Andre walked into the house first. They walked towards the kitchen.

"Grandma!" Chanel yelled in surprise. She didn't know her grandma was in town.

She went and hugged her.

"Happy birthday midget."

"Thanks grandma." She said stepping back.

"GG." Andre said hugging her after Chanel.

Chanel hugged her little sisters and looked at her mother stuffing her face.

"So, we leaving now or?"

"I'm coming? Is Andre staying with Damien?"

"Yeah, he is." Chanel said.

Damien finally walked in.

"Grandma? When did you get here?" Damien asked.

"If you came home last night you would know." She said and Damien had nothing to say he just hugged her and his sisters.

"Okay, girls let's go." Beyoncé said.

"Andre, be good." Chanel said.

"Okay ma, bye." He said. "Oh Happy Birthday again."

He went to the living room after that.

"That one was dry as hell." She mumbled as she walked out the door.

"You want us to jump on you now?" Ciera asked as they got outside and the sprinter arrived.

"Actually yes, show some enthusiasm. I'm twenty-three." She said.

"Okay." Blue said and jumped on her back. "Happy Birthday!"

Chanel laughed almost losing her balance. Blue then licked her face.

"We really need a new tradition." Chanel said.

"No, we're gonna lick each others faces till we die!" Blue yelled.

Beyoncé looked back at them in disgust.

"Like, for real. Y'all gotta stop licking each other. That's not sanitary." She said.

Ciera snuck up beside Beyoncé and licked her cheek and then moved quickly while laughing.

Beyoncé groaned.

Rachel, Keke, and Zendaya finally got out the car and joined everyone. Chanel introduced Keke and Zendaya to her grandmother.

"Okay, everyone ready to go?" Beyoncé asked and they nodded as Julius got out the car and helped them in.

Rachel pulled Chanel to the side.

"Aye, here." Rachel said passing her a Fruity Pebbles Treat.

Chanel smelled it.

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