Yandere Killer sans x reader

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Your P.O.V.

I was walking with both of my friends, sam and kc ( this will be me yes i am your friend an my brother too.) when i was walking with them, i noticed that someone was looking at us, something not Nice i then felt a poke in my shoulder and looked at who had poked me, it was sam he then said " hey are you alright you seem out it " he looked concerned and i was flattered, i then said " yeah i am fine i just thought something as staring at us, but it is only my imagination hehe!" i laughed it off. He looked at me then smiled at me, kc then said " hey stop with the flirting you two!!!" we then blushed and yelled at her " WE ARE NOT FLIRTING KC!!!!!"

No one's p.o.v

" uh huh ~" kc said with a smirk on her face walking away from the two of them " KC GET BACK HERE!!!!!!" they both yell chasing her. They did not noticed a figure standing there looking at them with a glare. " oh~(y/n) you make me feel something that no one can " the standing figure said disappearing in the mist,

Back to your P.O.V.

The three of us run to a small house looking if there is anyone living there or still alive " see anything kc.." i said looking at kc waiting for her respond " nope there nothing in here"kc said turning around to face me with wide eyes and holding her giggle in, i look at her with a confused look and turn around to see sam was wearing a big armor and long red scarf cover in gray dust " were did you get that sam.heh..?" i said looking at sam trying to hold back my laughter " i found it in one of the rooms,don't i look pretty ~" sam said posing in a sexy way making me and kc laugh our ass off " hahaha well you should put that a way heh" kc said walking up to the door leaving me and sam there, i turn around to face sam to see the armor was off but the red scarf was still on " why do you still have the scarf on ?" i said looking at sam with a confused look " well i wanted to give it to you since it's cold outside and i wanted you stay warm ! " sam said wrapping the scarf around my neck making me blush of how sweet sam was.walking out of the house to see kc was talking to someone making me and her brother worried about her, running up to them and who was the person talking to kc!.

Kc p.o.v

I was waiting for my brother and (y/c) to came out from the house ,kicking a rock to the side making a small noise i look up to see a strange figure and the distance, walk up to it, to see it was a skeleton?......with black liquid in his eyes sockets and a red circle on his chest " w-w-what's y-your n-name m-mr. skeleton ?" i stuttered looking at him with fear in my eyes "sans, sans the skeleton ...." sans smile at me like he was going to eat me,holding his hand out to me,i look at the hand and then at him to see if i can truth him. Place my cold hand on his to feel it was much colder than me, was about to pull away only to stop to hear my brother yell at me to stay away from him,i was about pull away and walk away from him only to be pulled in his arms hold a knife close to my neck " HeHe you really shouldn't let your guard down kc hehe ~" sans said . looking directly at me " h-h-how the hell do you know my name !!?.." i said try to pull away from him " i know everything kc and your dear friend (y/n) ~" sans whisperer in my ear making i eye wide in fear to want he said. " HELP ME SAM !!! " i yelled to my brother only to be knock-out ........well shit

(y/n) p.o.v

To See my friend in the hand of a monster making me angry at it and said "LET GO OF MY FRIEND YOU SKELETON !!!" as i run up to hit him in the face only to be stopped by sam's hand in front of my face. As i look up at him with a confused gaze, i saw his eyes being shadowed,dark..........and cold he said in a scariest voice i have never heard from him. "He already has my sister.....i don't want him to take you too do you understand?" he said and he turned to look at me with a scary face. I then stuttered a "o-okay" he then looked at the skeleton and said "hey you! You took my sister right? Meaning you want to hurt her right!? Meaning i have the right to hurt you right!?!?" his eyes then started to glow a navy blue a beautiful color. He then looked at me and said "go somewhere and hide for now!" i then freaked out and said to him " NOO I WANT TO STAY AND HELP YOU TOO!!!!!" he then said in that scary voice again "you listen to me and listen well this guy is crazy and wants you and i know he won't stop until he gets it and........you know what just go and hide i will be there ok!" i was scared and i did not want to leave him "......no....." i said. He then looked at me and sighed " very well then you're quite stubborn hehe but that is why i love you" i stared at him while tears of mine were falling i then stuttered out a "i-i l-love you too sam!!!" he then looked at me and kissed me i was stunned but kissed back then i felt liquid i raised my hand up and looked what it was it was .........blood. Sam parted away and looked at me with a smile and fell down to his knees i was surprised and looked at the skeleton his .....heart was glowing a glowing dark red and his mouth into a grin and no pupils in his eyes sockets.i then fell to my knees and put sam's head on my lap he was coughing up blood and he said " h-hey umm yeah 'cough' remember it was not your fault and that i will always be there now pl-'cough' plea-please go and hide or run i don't want him t-to get you" i was crying so hard and said "N-NO YOU STAY WITH ME WE WILL SURVIVE THIS!!!please don't leave me!" i said while cradling him in my arms. He then pushed me and got up on his feet and his eyes glowed again and said " GO I WILL BUY YOU SOME TIME GOO AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!! And remember i love you" he gave me a smile and turned to the skeleton and shouted " NOW AS FOR YOU I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE HITTING ME WHILE I I'M HAVING A MOMENT!!!" i then ran inside the house and hide in the closet.

Sans P.O.V

HE KISSED HER HE KISSED MY BELOVED WIFE...... no i won't accept it, i then threw a bone knife at his back. She then looked at me with teary filled eyes .and went to her knees and all the things happened then the guy known as sam said and his eyes started to glow i chuckled then the said " ah-ah-ah i have your dear sister you wouldn't want me to hurt her right?" he then froze but then said what i did not suspect him to say. " if she dies then i will battle you and when you kill me i will be with her and what i'm doing is to buy MY love some time because i know what you are a yan-de-re hehe not so stupid as you think bitch!"..........

To be continued!


Hey guys me and my brother made this story and yes there will be a part 2 yes my brother got tired while writing this.

Sam-yeah but hey i think it's good, oh hi there dear (y/N) 'chuckles' i hope you do like this story that me and my sister made pls do leave a comment about and if you went a part 2 when me and sans battle for you my dear!

Author- hey sam stop flirting with (y/N) sorry about that, we'll have a nice day or night bye!!

yandere sans x reader one-shotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin