Chapter 11: New Victim

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"Go away." I said

He laughed and he smiled as he came closer to me. I didn't move, but I did go back to what I was doing, I did my best to ignore him. He came behind me and placed his body on mine, he placed his hands on my hips. With him taller than me something was poking my butt cheek, oh god no, I think I'm going to puke

"Get off of me and leave me alone." I snapped

"Why Mia?" He said as he smiled

"Get the fuck off." I said

He spun me around so I was facing him, in one swift movement he grabbed my writs. He moved me back until I hit the wall, hard. My feet dangled a bit off the ground. My arms and wrists were hurting because they were placed in an uncomfortable position. His eyes were full of hate and anger, his voice was laced with venom. It's almost like I never left, the atmosphere is still the same. Once everyone was out of sight his true character came out to play

"Are you with Dave." He asked

"No." I stated

Okay I'm lying again but at the same time I'm not. I'm with Dave living wise but not relationship wise. But I have no other path unless I want pain

"Better not be." He said

I struggled to move, I was no use to his grip, like always

"Put me down." I said

"If I find out you are I will find you. You're mine." He said

"Dave, Mel!" I yelled

They came running into the room and Scott still had me pined to the wall, he was not going down without a fight. He still wanted me but not in the way that I wanted. He wanted to hurt me, abuse me and control me because he thought I was his. All I wanted was love

"Oh fuck no, put my sister down right now you sick bastard!" Mel yelled

Scott only tighten his grip and I whimpered in pain. Her words were no use.  My eyes started to flood with tears. I was in so much pain and I wanted it to stop. I wanted all the pain to stop. Dave came up behind him and ripped him off of me. I didn't know he was that strong. Scott looked amazed at his best friends actions against him. I landed on my feet and Mel came over to shield me and I rubbed my wrists

"Protecting your new girlfriend?" Scott asked

"She isn't my girlfriend, I'm protecting her from the monster I let her wonder off with." Dave said

Anger oozed and dripped off of his words. I never knew that Dave had that tone of voice. It was shocking to me Scott laughed. That kind of hurt, what about the kiss we shared? Was he just protecting himself and I? There was so much going on in my head right now

"She told you?" He said

Dave ignored his question. Mel was pissed off too and she looked like she was ready to take his head off but she wanted to stay beside me so I don't get hurt anymore

"Grab your stuff Mia, we're going." Mel said

I grabbed the boxes I packed and I walked to the door. This was the last time that I would be setting foot in this apartment. I was happy. I was finally going to change my life around and things were going to get better.  I stood in the door frame, once Dave and Mel were out in the hall I looked back. Scott stood there behind me while Brandi was on the couch

"Good bye, have fun with your new victim." I spat

Brandi looked confused, still. Stupid tramp. I slammed the door. We walked to the elevator and to the front doors

"Lets go Mi." Mel said

"Give me a second, I need to go to the superintendent." I said

I gave Dave the light box that I had. I walked away letting them walk to the cars with my stuff and I went to the door and knocked

"Hello there Mia." My superintendent said

"Hello, I'm here to say I'm moving out, Scott is still there but I signed the lease."

"He'll have to go too." She said

"I know."

"What is your reason for leaving?" She asked

"Scott and I broke up." I said

"Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that." She said

"It's okay. I just need to move out and he can have the next 30 days to do whatever." I said


"Take care Mia." She said

"You too." I said

Then I nodded and walked away. She stood there looking sad but I just walked away there was no need to explain to her what fully happened. I told her the basics and that's all I needed to do. All I wanted was to be away from Scott and that's what I'm doing. I'm finally leaving him

"Pay back is a bitch." I said to myself

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