Kissing Seth

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So after spending all day with Seth today, he invited me to go to a show and watch. It was just a house show so it wasn't televised but it was still going to be fun. And I decided to tell him tonight that I like him. I might just even kiss him. I'm so nervous!

"Seth!" I hug him once I made it to the arena.

"Hey Mars!" He grinned.

"So excited to see you wrestle! Thanks for inviting me." I grin back at him.

"Now I'm nervous. I have to make sure I do great tonight. Just for you Marlee." He chuckles.

"You better. I don't date losers." I smirk at him. He goes pale for second. " I'm kidding!" I hug him to assure him that I'll still like him if he loses. I doubt he will though.

"Yeah so uh... let me show you around backstage." Seth fumbled. I nodded and we went inside the building. After we turned a corner I saw him. That guy from Wendy's. He was talking to two other people. I tense afraid to say something to Seth. "What's wrong?" He noticed my shyness.

"That guy. He stalked me the other day at Wendy's." I whispered.

"Wait! Who?" He was shocked. I pointed to the guy without being too obvious. "Oh Dean? Yeah he's kinda weird. You'll get used to it."

"No! He made me try a chicken nugget! It was disgusting!" Seth just laughs. "I'm serious Seth! I don't want to go over there!" I throw a little fit. He sighs.

"Alright. Let's go around then." He turns us around and we head down a different hallway.

"Thanks Seth. That Dean guy is just creepy!"

"Are you a fan of WWE?" Seth changed the subject.

"Never really watched it. My dads didn't like how violent it is."

"Oh" Seth frowns.

"But I'll watch it for you Sethie!" I giggle.  It is so hard to flirt with this man!!!

"Thanks Marlee." He chuckles as a big guy walks towards us. "Fuck." He mumbled to himself. I giggle at him as the guy approaches us.

"Hey Seth! You guys have a tag match tonight!" He grinned.

"With?" Seth asked him. The guy looked at me and then answered.

"The Wyatts. Who's this?" He points to me. But he asked it like he knew who I was.

"Oh right. Hunter this is Marlee. Marlee this is Hunter, my boss." Seth awkwardly introduced us.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you." I smile politely. He chuckles but politely smiled back.

"You wrestle as well? You sure look like you do." He confuses me.

"Uh no?"

"Oh well I figured since..." Hunter started.

"Marlee why don't you uh head to catering and get some food. It's straight down this hall on the left." Seth interrupts. I nod and leave the two men to talk. I open a door only to run into an almost naked Roman. He had only boxers on.

"Oh sorry! I was looking for catering." I explain to him.

"It's okay Marlee. Wait out in the hall for a minute. I'll take you down there." He nodded. I went back out of the room and let him finish getting ready.

"Sorry about that." I apologize again once he came out of there.

"You didn't know. It's okay." He assured me. "So where's Seth?"

"Talking to Hunter about something." I respond. "Hunter thinks I wrestle. I don't know why."

"Well because you look like you were made to wrestle. Have you even tried it?"

"No. I actually haven't even thought of trying it. I don't think I should due to my anger issues." I confess. Roman chuckles before responding.

"It might help you control it better. Wouldn't hurt to try."

"I don't know. You think I'll be any good?"

"Marlee, you born to wrestle!" He blurts but then holds his hand over his mouth in shock.

"What?" I look surprised at him. What does he mean by that?

"I meant that you look like you do."

"No that's not what you meant at all! Is it?" I glare at him.

"Oh hey you found Roman." Seth came over to us.

"Yeah and he had something really confusing to say!" I continue to stare at Roman.

"What did you say Ro?" Seth sounded pissed and scared.

"Uh..." Then that Wendy's guy comes up to us.

"Hey guys! What's up?" He grins but then goes pale once he sees me.

"Roman what the hell did you say?" Seth asked again.

"He thinks I was born to wrestle even though I've never tried." I confess for the giant man.

"I meant that you look like you do!" Roman corrects. I roll my eyes as Seth and Dean look like they're about to hurt him. "Guys it just slipped!"

"You know how much...." Dean started.

"We need to prepare for our match with The Wyatts tonight." Seth blurts. "I'm sorry Marlee. I don't think this was a good idea for you to come tonight." Seth looks at me. I sigh and nod. "I'll walk you back to the parking lot." And with that the two of us walk back to where we met at. "Again I'm sorry for all the confusion tonight."

"It's okay Seth. I enjoyed being able to see you at work. Just wish I could see you wrestle." I pout.

"You will someday. I promise." He makes me smile.

"Thanks Seth." I then grew the courage to kiss him. It was a simple one. But I still kissed him. I hoped he would have kissed back or maybe make it more passionate. But he didn't. I then got in my car and left.

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