A week later

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"Daddy! My birday is here!" Marlee squealed as she jumped on the bed.

"No that's a month away sweetheart." I chuckle at my goofy daughter.

"Uh no!" She glared at me. Then Seth walked in from working out. "Uckie! It's my birday!" She gleamed.

"It's my birthday silly!" He ruffled up her hair. She laughed and ran off to play with some of her toys. "She's crazy you know that?" He smirks at me.

"Eh. It kinda runs in the family." I shrug.

"Speaking of have you told your parents yet? Are you?"

"I don't know. I don't want her to be exposed to that crap. Yet I don't want her to hate me for hiding her from them."

"I know you aren't close to them but maybe having a kid might change that. At least consider it. Since we are in your hometown," Seth suggested. He got up and went to take a shower. He does have a point.

"Marlee come on let's go get some food." I stood up and grabbed my daughter and we left.

"Daddy I want Chinese!" She pouts.

"You hate Chinese. Why don't we try pizza?" I suggest.

"Eww!" She stuck out her tongue. I chuckle and put her in her car seat. I drive to my parents' pizza place. "Daddy I said no!" Marlee screamed as I took her out of her carseat.

"Marlee stop it. Right now! You're being a big brat!" I warn her. She froze in fear. She hated it when people yell and fight. And when someone tells her no. "Awe princess. Just come on. They have chicken nuggets!" I bribe. She smiles and eagerly wants to go in. I sigh and the two of us enter. I instantly smell the scent of my childhood.

"Jon! What are you doing here?" An older woman speaks loudly.

"Hey mom. I just wanted pop in since I'm in town." I smirk. I approach her and that's when she noticed Marlee who was hiding behind me.

"Who's that?" She points to her.

"Your granddaughter." She grew pale so I picked up Marlee to introduce them. "Marlee, this is grandma. Mom Marlee."

"Rose! Where's those pans?" I heard my dad yell from the kitchen. He came out and stopped dead when he saw me holding Marlee. "Jonathan!"

"Hey dad."

"What the fuck are you doing here holding a God damn baby?" He growled. Luckily they weren't busy with customers.

"Freddy!! We're grandparents!" Mom grinned at my father. He huffed and headed back to the kitchen. "Oh Jon come have a seat. Let's catch up!" Her face softened as she tried to get me to sit at one of the booths. I looked at Marlee who was trying to hide in my arms.

"I think I made a mistake coming here." I look back at my mother. I turn to leave but she called out for me so I turned to face her.

"Kacy already told us about her. She asked how she could find you. I didn't say a word but your father..." She looked down.

"Mom!! She's trying to get her back!" I glare.

"Maybe it's what's best for the kid. How are you going to raise her if you're gone all the time?" I ignore her and actually leave this time.

"Daddy? Are you mad?" Marlee asks after a while of us driving around.

"What makes you say that princess?" I smile back at her through the mirror.

"Jus cuz." I realize where I am and instantly smile. I turn into a parking lot and park. "What are you doin daddy?"

"I want to show you where daddy used to work. Maybe you can meet Uncle Sami!!" I grin at her. I take her out of the carseat and we walk up to the entrance. It was just how I left it. I seen a couple familiar faces as well as new ones. I go to the ring and see my best friend practicing for tonight's tournament with some guy. "Yo Sami!" I smirk at him. He sees me and instantly grinned.

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