The Date

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It was a tradition of mine to go to Wendy's for their nuggets after every show.

"I don't think I ever went on a date there. Actually I never been to one before." Renee smiled after we left the restaurant.

"You never been at Wendy's?!?" I looked at her shocked.

"Nope. But that frosty thing was amazing!"

"So where are you from?" I ask as I grabbed her hand. We were just walking to the hotel which was just a few minutes away.

"Toronto. You?" She looked at me. Under this lightning she looked like an angel. She was beautiful.

"Original Cincinnati but I moved to Las Vegas about two years ago."

"Oh just after Marlee was born?"

"Uh no. Not really. I actually recently found out about her. I was supposed to quit today." I explained.

"And you didn't?" Renee asked.

"I don't know. Once I got in the ring and the fans were cheering. I couldn't bring myself to quit. I love wrestling so much. It's the only thing I know." I confess. "I was only quitting because of Marlee. Traveling with a kid by yourself is tough."

"You're not alone on this Dean. You have a lot of friends backstage willing to help. Everyone cares about each other so much. That's why I love working for WWE. The people are amazing." 

"We're like a family. A crazy, large, dysfunctional family." I smile at the Canadian.

"What family isn't like that?" Renee laughs. "So tell me about you?"

"Well what's there to tell? I'm a professional wrestler with a two year old daughter." I shrug.

"Like what happened with her mum? Is she around?" Renee mumbled.

"Kacy is long gone. She abandoned Marlee on my steps and hasn't gotten in contact since. Actually I never spoke to her since we broke up." I spoke. I never had really spoken much to anyone about any of this. But I feel like with Renee I can be myself.

"So you're a single dad to a two year old?" Renee corrected.

"Oh God! I haven't thought about it like that!" I realize.

"Don't worry. You're doing great so far!" She leaned her head on my shoulder and yawned.

"Tired?" I smile down on her.

"No this date is a little boring," she smirked.

"Well I'm sorry for the disappointment," I chuckle. I hit the elevator button to go up.

"Speaking of disappointment. Seth is gonna be upset that your not having sex tonight. I don't really have sex on the first date." She looked at me.

"He'll get over it," I shrug. I honestly wanted to take things slow with her anyways. Which is usually the opposite of what I normally do. Bone and bolt.

"What about you? Will you get over it?" She asked as we walked into the elevator. She hit her floor button which happened to be the same as mine.

"I should be alright," I turn to her. Now realizing how close we are and how small of a space we were in, makes this a difficult subject. Renee is an amazing woman. Beautiful and smart. Sexy and funny. An ideal girl. She leaned in and kissed me. It was a surprise but quick kiss. But I eagerly kissed back. It turned heated but wasn't able to go further since the doors opened. We walked hand in hand to her hotel room door.

"I had an amazing night Dean. Thank you," she broke the silence.

"Any time. And thanks again for keeping an eye on Marlee for me."

"She's a good kid. I didn't mind. If you ever need me to watch her again I will." She smiled. We stood awkwardly for a moment before we kissed again. It was a soft simple kiss but had so much sparks to it.

"I would like to take you out again sometime."

"I would like that," she gleamed. I kissed her good night and watched as she entered her room. I headed to mine with a huge smile plastered on my face. Once I got in, I saw the trashed room. Pillows and clothes scattered around. Some toys lying about. And two worn out bodies sprawled out on the couch. It was an adorable scene so I just had to take a picture of Marlee cuddling with her Uncle Seth. I turned the tv off and covered them with a blanket before turning the light off and going to bed myself.

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