Chapter 4

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Today's the day... Senior prom. I'm nervous and I don't know why. Ellie's over at Kelsey's today so we can get ready together. Ellie's more excited about prom than me. Don't get me wrong, prom isn't awful, I just don't see the point in getting all dressed up for one night and spending hundreds of dollars on a dress you'll never wear again. Yet, I like weddings. I'm difficult to understand, I know.

I hopped out of the shower and dried my hair, leaving it natural since we were going to be messing with it. I threw on a white t-shirt from London, black shorts, and grey knee-high socks with a black bow at the top. I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom where Kelsey and Ellie were waiting for me.

We had about two hours to get ready, so we went ahead and started. We worked on Ellie first. I did her hair in a slightly messy up-do while Kelsey did her makeup, giving her winged eyeliner, light pink eye shadow, mascara, and a pale pink lip color. It took longer to do her hair than her makeup, but once we were done, she put on her dress and we zipped it in the back. It was strapless and had a sweetheart neckline, black on top, a black and silver beaded belt underneath her bust, it flowing into a blush pink color on the bottom. She looked stunning.

Once she was done, Kelsey and Ellie worked on me. Kelsey gave me the same makeup, except with silver eye shadow. Ellie tightly curled my hair, knowing I wouldn't want anything too fancy for my hair. They got done and I put on my dress as they zipped it in the back. It was a strapless blue ball gown with a black flower beneath my bust and three on each hip with silver accents surrounding it, the bottom was indescribably beautiful with black tool underneath the blue.

Kelsey took pictures of Ellie and myself. I sat down at the desk carefully so I could write my letter and drop it off at the beach, just outside where we would be for prom.

Dear No One,

It's prom night! Yay... kind of. I'm excited to have a party to celebrate all of the hard work all of the seniors have done. Wish you were here to celebrate. I'm going with two of my friends, one of them being the guy that keeps trying to get with me. I keep telling him I'm not interested, but I don't think he's hearing me. Anyways, one month till we meet. I can't wait!

All my love,

Your future wife

I stood up from the desk and linked arms with Ellie, walking towards the car and saying goodbye to Kelsey. We piled into the car and I drove to the beach. Once we got out, Ellie saw a few people that she knew and ran towards them, giving them hugs. I dropped the letter off nearby and then stood over by my car, waiting to go inside.

"Jaylah?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

I turned around and saw Brady smiling at me. He had a single rose in his hands and he was wearing a rented suit. He looked adorable and I smiled widely at him. I grabbed the bottom of my dress and made my way to the sidewalk as he walked towards me. He handed me the rose and I blushed, putting it in my car and then locking it. We linked arms like we usually did and walked in to the dance. I felt so out of place since I barely knew anyone. Brady kept me close, though, making sure I was comfortable.

After a while, a slow song came on. I semi-cringed, knowing I'd have to dance to it. Brady turned to me with a huge smile on his face. He took my hand and we slow danced with one of my hands on his shoulder and the other holding his hand. I felt a little uncomfortable. I loved the song, but it just felt awkward dancing with a friend to this song.

"I'm thinking it over,

The way you make me feel all sexy but it's causing me shame.

I wanna lean on your shoulder.

Dear No One (Nathan Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now