Chapter 1

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"Alright class, it's now time to introduce yourselves," the male teacher spoke. "We'll start with you," he smiled, motioning towards me. "Say your name, age, where you're from, and what you want to be when you grow up."

I stood up from where I was sitting and adjusted my outfit. I was wearing a t-shirt that was white on the front and black on the back. It had a black and white tiger on the front. I wore black and white patterned leggings on the bottom and black combat boots. I fixed my caramel on top, black on bottom curly hair and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Hi, I'm Jaylah Hardwick. I'm eighteen and I moved here from England. I want to be a photographer or a singer when I grow up," I smiled, nervously, sitting back down in my chair.

The rest of the class went through the same procedure and I took out a piece of paper and a purple pen. I waited until there was free time before I started. I put the date in the corner of the paper and got to writing the letter.

Dear No One,

This is a bit weird. I expected this to be an easy thing to do, writing letters that is, but it's actually quite difficult. I don't even know how to start. I'm not going to tell you my name, since I won't know yours. I will, however, tell you about me.

I'm eighteen years old and a senior in high school. I have one older sister who is twenty-two and doesn't live with me. She lives next door though. I live with both of my parents. I just moved to Florida and I'm currently at school. We just had to go around the room and introduce ourselves... That was awkward. I'm not exactly the most open person at first, so it's difficult for me to make friends unless they approach me first. No one has approached me yet.

I wanted to sit in the back of the room, but all of the seats were taken by the time I got in here, so I had to sit in the front. There were empty seats by the wall, though, which makes me feel better.

I feel like I should ask about you, but since I'll just be putting these in random places and hoping that they will find you, I know you won't be able to write back. I just hope that whoever you are, you're not some kind of calligraphy genius who can figure out who I am just by my handwriting. That would be proper frightening haha x

Wait, was that weird to put an 'x'? I'm not sure. I don't know if you're American or from another country. I just moved here from England, so I use 'x's quite a lot. I guess it's just something people have to get used to.

Anyways, I know this isn't a long letter, but seeing as I don't know what to write, I think I should end it here. Plus there's a girl who's making her way towards me. I think she wants to talk. Wish me luck.

All my love,

Your future wife xxx

 I shut my locker and gasped, jumping back a bit, as someone was standing next to me.

"Hello..." I greeted cautiously.

"I'm Brady," the boy greeted, smiling at me.

"Nice to meet you, Brady. I'm Jaylah."

"You new here?" he asked, walking with me to my next class. I nodded. "Well I can show you around if you'd like."

"No, thank you," I politely rejected.

He opened the door for me and I walked inside of my next class, him following close behind. I saw Ellie in there and sat next to her. She informed me that since it was such a small school, all seniors had class together. Brady sat down on the other side of me. He made me feel a little uncomfortable, but then again, any new person made me feel uncomfortable. Except for Ellie, she was cool.

Dear No One (Nathan Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now