Jaylah Isabel Hardwick

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Hi! I'm Jaylah. Most people call me "Hardie" because of my sister, Kelsey. She used to go to my old school and that was her nickname as well. She's twenty-two now, so she doesn't live with my parents and me. She moved in next door to our new house, though, which makes me feel better. I'm eighteen and a senior in high school. I'm not popular. I usually sit by myself at lunch and only have about three friends in the entire school. I don't mind though. I'd rather have a handful of close friends than a million acquaintances.

Anyways, it's my first day at school at a new school tomorrow. I decided as one of my New Years Resolutions (I know. Lame, right?) I would start writing letters to my future husband. It gives me something to do during the free time I have and it's worth a shot. By the way, I live in Florida now, but I used to live in England up until Christmas. Yes, I have a slight accent, but not as thick as Kelsey's. I picked up on some of the words as well, so I say things differently than most. Hopefully that wont affect my experience at this new school.

The good thing is, I only have five more months of school and then I'm done. That means by the time senior year is over, I will have written 100 letters to this mysterious person. I don't even know how he'll get them. I guess I'll have Kelsey drive me around and help me hide them so fate can decide if he sees them or not...

Dear No One (Nathan Sykes)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ