Frozen to the core

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Before you read. This is my version of how danny's core got activated. Ok? So urban jungle never happened. And everyone already knows that Danny is Phantom. Think of this as a sequel to chapter one. So this is what happened about one year after the last chapter.

Danny walked to school. He shivered but it wasn't his ghost sense. He frowned and wrapped his arms around himself. He looked up and saw Sam and Tucker waiting for him. He quickened his pace.

Tucker looked at him, "Danny, you look like you've seen a ghost"

Sam elbowed him, "What he means is: Danny you look pale"

"-er than usual", Tucker finished for her, "Which is saying a lot. Have you had any sleep?"

Danny shivered and rubbed his arms, "Yeah. Tonight was one of those ghost free nights. I just...aren't you guys cold?" He asked, rubbing his arms fiercely for emphasis.

Sam pulled a face, "What?! Don't tell me you're cold. It's 23 degrees out here. And you have a hoody on"

Danny nodded, "I probably just have a weird cold or something. Let's just go."

A man walking past them looked at Danny and his eyes widened. He fumbled for his cellphone and took a picture. Tucker noticed this and rolled his eyes, "Tourists"

"Another one?" Danny craned his neck and saw him, "That's what, the fifth one this week?"

"Seventh", Sam pushed both boys forward "Hurry up. We'll be late"

They speedwalked to school and went their separate ways to their own classes.

Danny sat down and shivered a bit more. It seemed to only get colder. He looked down at his hands. They were as white as snow.

Mikey walked up to him. He adored Danny and looked up to him due to Danny risking so much for others. Right now, though, he was concerned.


Danny looked up at the voice.

"You okay?", Mikey touched Danny's hand and gasped.

"Danny, you're freezing"

Danny waved his hand, "Nah. I'm ok"

Mikey eyed him skeptically, "You sure? You want me to ask the teacher to turn the heater on?"

Danny chuckled, "Seems like I'm not hot enough for this cold"

Mikey rolled his eyes but a twinkle of amusement could be seen in them, "I think you're fine"

As soon as Mikey left so did Danny's smile.


Two classes passed. With only one interruption in which Jonnhy 13 had been driving around like a madman and causing many car accidents. Danny had rushed in and stopped him before anything else could happen. Turns out Jonnhy and Kitty had gotten in a fight and Jonnhy wanted to blow some steam in the human realm, literally.

Danny was back in the class. What he usually could win without much difficulty had now been a rough fight. He had shot many ectoblasts, especially at Jonnhy's shadow, who hated the light. All this warmth leaving his body had left him trembling uncontrolably. This was definitely not a normal cold.

Thankfully, he shared this class with Sam and Tucker. They rushed forward.

"Danny! You look like the dead!"

Danny glared at Tucker, who immediately rephrased.

"I mean. You look pretty bad"

Danny rolled his eyes and decided to ignore him while he let Sam help him to his seat. Tucker realised what he just said and tried to make up for it.

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