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Well my name is Rachel Dixon I have long straight yet a little wavy black hair. I don't have a father he left my mom I never saw him in my life. I really honestly don't know how the apocalypse happened. Guess the government was messing around and next thing you know one person in the town comes down with it next thing you everybody comes down with this virus. My mom turned on the news the reporter was saying "Stay in your house lock the doors don't get bit or scratched or you will become these things. People the apocalypse is here, the dead are coming back to life stay safe". After that the screen goes black. Mom starts packing our stuff clothes water foods medical supplies she told me to call my best friend whos practically my sister Raquel. I call her up the phone rings once twice i hear a voice "hello".

"Raquel thank god you're still alive".

"Have you seen the news"?

"Yah my mom said to tell you to come over here and bring supplies extra clothes the works kay".

"Kay i'll be there in 5".

"K bye be careful".

Minutes gone by i hear a knock. I open the door Raquel is standing there thank god but she covered in blood and she's crying my mom looks over her shoulder trying to look for her mom then realize. "Oh My Gosh Raquel I'm so srry" my mom said hugging her. Mom started the car and we were out of the city and heading to Atlanta, Georgia. Hoping there was a cure for all this to end.

We found people on the way there. They also had... hope I guess thats what they call it these days. Hmp these days a second chance is too much to ask for. We thought we were safe... until that night that horrible terrifying night

The night i had to abandon my mother. I was thinking about how stupid I was I left my mom for dead. I burst into tears again I wipe my tears away. I didn't know if i was the last one standing or if there were more survivors. after I was done crying I told myself "thats the last time i will ever cry its time to toughen up come on you can beat this world".

Well that was the second chapter it's was a flashback i hope you enjoyed it :) poor Rachel she thinks she is all alone maybe her friend Raquel is still alive who knows. i'll try and update every 1-5 days tops 1-3 thanks don't forget to vote,comment,and follow!!!

~Cray Cray Candy~

Yah i changed it cx

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