When they finally got back to Warden's penthouse, they parked the car in the underground garage and turned it off, but neither of them moved to get out.

"I'm hungry." Drake finally said to break the awkward silence that had built up.

He heard a quiet laugh from Warden and turned his head on the headrest to smirk at him in the darkness.

"You're always hungry, you mutt. Come on, I'll make you dinner." Warden said after a few more moments of silence.

Drake got out and walked around to Warden's side, offering him a hand up after he opened his door.

"I'm not sure what you're trying to do, Drake. We've already slept together almost every night since we started going out..." Warden said with a hint of worry in his voice as he took Drake's proffered hand.

Was I really that bad before?

"I just wanted to hold your hand again." He mumbled, rubbing at the back of his neck with his free one.

Warden stayed quiet as they stepped into the elevator and it began heading up. He looked down in the dim light at their hands, then slowly grasped them with his other one. Bringing them up to his lips, he pressed a light kiss to Drake's knuckles as the doors opened.

"I'll make you some chicken and steak." He said as he stepped off the elevator, gently tugging Drake along with him. 

Drake headed for the shower while Warden went to start dinner in the kitchen when they got inside. It was their normal routine now, and mainly because he was still awful at cooking so Warden refused to let him use the stove or oven. It probably had something to do with werewolves being able to eat raw meat just fine, so their patience when messing with ingredients just wasn't up to par. 

How ya doing, leech? He thought to Cerat as his lips stretched into a grin beneath the spray of the water. He knew that he couldn't reply because their bond wasn't that strong, but he could feel emotions if Cerat wanted him to. 

He waited calmly for a response, washing his body as he did so. When it finally came, he couldn't help but snicker. You're that happy? Did you miss me that much? Drake asked as he turned off the water and grabbed a towel, taking his time drying his body off. 

When he felt annoyance and humor through their bond he laughed harder, nearly snorting at the guy's response. Yeah, right. You love me you little blood sucking shit. He replied, getting more humor from Cerat at the same time he realized Warden standing in the doorway to the bathroom. 

"Enjoying that conversation with your mutt?" Warden asked with a grin as he nonchalantly looked over Drake's naked body. 

Being the last person to get embarrassed about how amazing they looked naked, Drake sauntered over and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Warden's briefly. 

"I was communicating with our little leech." He said. 

Warden's eyes widened at that realization. Clearly, he'd forgotten that they had their odd little bond still. With a giddy grin he leaned forward, whispering in Drake's ear. 

"Hey Cerat, we miss you." 

This guy...

Taking a step back, Drake crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a telephone, War." He said, scowling for only a brief moment before turning his attention inward. 

The chicken says hello. He thought to Cerat. 

When he got an overwhelming wave of happiness and excitement back, he just about growled. 

Prick. Why didn't I get any excitement? Just a little happy? He grumbled, earning humor back in response before Warden poked his shoulder, bringing his mind back into focus. 

"Sorry, we can't really talk to each other, but I can sense his emotions and he can understand what I'm saying." Drake said. "I told him that you say hello and he flooded my mind with disgustingly happy feelings." 

Grinning, Warden wrapped his arms around Drake's middle, no longer worried about him being naked. They've been aggressively intimate more than enough times to get the hesitation out of his system. And, surprisingly, Drake could control himself fairly well with Warden right in front of him while he was lacking clothing. 

"I'm glad. He does seem like he's doing well. I won't bother you with asking you to talk to him for me, but could you just let him know that I'm proud of him and to keep it up." 

Drake raised an eyebrow at that message, earning a nudge to his ribs in response. 

"Don't turn that into an innuendo and just tell him for me, please." Warden said before stepping out of the bathroom. 

"Your dinner is ready, by the way. So cover up, at least a little, and get your butt to the table." He called from around the corner, making Drake lick his lips. 

Hey leech, the chicken says he's glad you are doing good and keep your dick up. Drake thought to Cerat quickly as he hurried into their room and got himself a pair of drawstring pajama pants that happened to be Warden's. 

The lackluster sense of sarcasm he got from Cerat in return brought a smile to his face as he walked into the little dining area and dropped down into his seat across from his boyfriend. 

"Did I mention how much I love you today?" He said, drawing a raised eyebrow from Warden, who was just lifting a piece of lemon braised chicken to his mouth. 

"No...?" Warden replied right before Drake grabbed the fork from his hand and ate the piece of chicken on it. 

"Damn, you are getting really good at cooking." He said as he twirled the fork around his fingers, earning himself a grumble from his chicken. 

"Don't worry, I won't eat you right now. I'm saving my favorite chicken for the bedroom." He purred as he handed Warden his fork back. 

"And don't worry, I don't mind talking to our leech for you sometimes." 

Warden shook his head, but he couldn't hide his smile as they ate their meal in comfortable silence. He could still feel some faint emotions from Cerat, but it was clear that they weren't directed at him intentionally. Drake didn't really mind them, though. None were bad, so he was actually glad that Cerat was, indeed, doing fine. 

(I think Cerat actually wants a chapter, so I'll see if I can get him to talk to me for the next one lol) 

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