27. Try

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(Quick short chapter)

Leaning back in his chair, Drake typed away at his laptop steadily. He'd been working regular hours for the past two months, and sometimes, even overtime. He'd intended to stay as he was, a lazy, nearly-useless wolf, but when he saw Warden start to struggle to keep up with their normal spending, as well as pay for Cerat's raise so that he could afford his blood... He couldn't be that terrible.

"Working late again, Drake?"

Glancing up, it took Drake a moment to blink his blurry vision back to normal in order to see Warden smiling at him from where he was leaning against the doorjamb.

"Just finishing up, hun." Drake said as he looked back down at his computer screen and typed the last couple of sentences for the group email he'd been working on, then sent it.

The sound of the door clicking shut brought his eyes up again once he'd shutdown his computer.

"How has your sister been? You took half the day off to go see her, right?" Drake asked as he set the laptop on top of his desk and stood up.

Warden was already there, wrapping his arms gently around his waist to pull him into a hug. Drake returned it, not using as much strength as he normally would. Without Cerat around, his wolf had calmed down a bit and didn't display nearly as much possessiveness when it came to Warden.

"She's doing really well and also taking good care of that lizard we got from Cerat a while ago. The maids have barely needed to bother it." He said as he tilted his head to steal a soft kiss.

"I'm glad. It was actually pretty fun babysitting her last week, so if you need me again for a few days while you go away for business and the maids need a break, I'm game." Drake said as he tilted his head slightly and pressed his lips to Warden's warm neck. "Just don't go away too often. I already miss that too-quiet leech, so don't leave me alone for too long... I don't want to get in trouble for marking your place again."

They'd moved back into Warden's penthouse and Drake had discontinued his rental since they were currently dating and he practically lived where Warden was for the past several months anyways. It was also going surprisingly well. His wolf was content with their physical activities and once it realized that Warden wasn't going to leave them after a few nights together, Drake's urges had also calmed down some.

"I talked to Flora yesterday. She said that Cerat was doing well at the shop and she makes sure that he takes breaks to drink alone. She said he hasn't had any issues with control, though he's being extra careful about it, just in case." Warden said as he returned Drake's affections with a nuzzle into the crook of his neck.

"And I miss him, too."

Drake felt his wolf grumble at Warden's words but just chuckled.

Hush, you. I know you miss him, too.

"I really appreciate your help with all the work that's piled up, by the way." Warden said as he finally leaned away, making Drake want to pull him right back into his arms.

Damn restraint is hard.

It was his own fault that the work had gotten so far behind, so he couldn't really take much credit for helping.

"I'm glad I could help fix the problems I created. It's the least I can do." He said with a half-smile as he took Warden's hand and tugged him toward the door.

They left at nearly eight P.M., and if he hadn't reminded Warden, twice, that they didn't live at the pet shop anymore, then he would have driven straight there.

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