14. Devour

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After shredding two expensive outfits and biting a toothbrush in half, Drake was dressed and ready for the morning to begin. Fuck, I wanna go back to sleep. He growled in his mind.. 

By the time he made the short trip to the bedroom, having slept in the living room, he had cooled off enough to keep his wolf from tearing through a third set of clothing. When he realized that Warden had already left, he felt relief flood his body.

"I'm hungry."

Hearing Cerat's voice, Drake rolled his eyes until they landed on the vampire. He was grinning, but Drake could actually hear his stomach growling, too.

"Tough shit, carrot." He replied with a shrug as he walked over.

It wasn't a surprise when Cerat growled and launched himself at him. Stepping back, Drake snapped his right arm to the left and snagged Cerat's neck, then slammed him into the floor. The vampire yelped, but instead of struggling or whining, he just gave a quiet cough.

"You're mean." Cerat said after a few moments, earning a tighter squeeze around his neck as Drake leaned closer.

"You're just now learning this?"

Cerat's face pinched in frustration but he kept back his retort. Drake could see it in his eyes, but smirked when the vampire refused to respond. "Smart shit. Get in the shower." He growled as he released Cerat and stood up, gesturing to the door to the bathroom.

Wisely, Cerat remained silent as he got up and started for the bathroom, shedding his clothing as he walked. He tried to shut the door, likely intending to lock it, but Drake wasn't an idiot. At least he wasn't being one at that moment, because he had quickly followed the vampire and easily stopped him from closing himself inside.

"Not interested in males, now get your pale ass in the shower or you're going to work without it... and trust me, you need one." He said. 

Even as he spoke the words, his wolf flashed an image of Warden behind his eyes and made Drake unintentionally bare his fangs at Cerat. While he hadn't meant to do it, it certainly got the vampire into the shower.

"You have three minutes." He said as he turned his attention to Warden's medicine cabinet.

Inside were the basics; pain reliever, headache reliever, band-aids, antibiotic cream, contacts, and... pulling out the small bottle of cologne, Drake sniffed the top and nearly groaned. He'd made Warden switch several times over the years, especially when he got something strong. The current one he had, Drake had picked out himself. His nose was sensitive and it was just strong enough for humans to pick up, without killing his sense of smell.

"What are you doing?"

Blinking out of a daze, Drake glared sideways at a fully-clothed, showered Cerat. Stupid dog, why'd you get caught up in his scent? He growled to his wolf as he gestured for Cerat to follow him out of the room. He knew that the electric collar was broken, but he also knew that it would cause more problems to report that then it was worth. Well, at least for Warden. And for some reason, he didn't want to cause the guy even more stress just yet.

When they both had their shoes on and Drake had grabbed his keys and wallet, they headed out. 

"Welcome back to work, Carrot. Let's go." Drake said as he pushed the back doors to the store open and nudged Cerat inside. 

Instead of going to the back office area Warden had told him about the previous night, he stayed on Cerat's heels until he stopped in the bird department. Cerat went straight for the macaws, taking each one out and checking that their wings were still clipped, then setting them on their perches. He made sure that each one was out of reach of curious customers, too, but still visible.

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