People brought in plates of ham, eggs, bread, and garden veggies as they introduced themselves. They had been quite surprised to learn that we had been on the road alone.

The one man asked, "Where were you headed?"

Diane focused on the man and he blinked as she finally looked him straight in the face. I smothered a grin, I loved people's reactions to her eyes. They were often hilarious. "I am looking for a friend who is rumored to be at a larger base somewhere west of here."

I made a mental note of her cover story so I could play along later if someone talked to me. Lies were so much harder to keep straight than the truth, but no one would be happy if they found out about the scar on her wrist.

Jason shook his head, "There are several settlements west of here."

Diane shrugged, "I know it has a ton of medical and research equipment, if that helps any. Have you heard of it?" She was clever in narrowing things down to only one possible place without actually asking a lot of questions. I took more mental notes, such a skill would be handy in the future...

One of the other guys spoke up, "Ah, you are referring to Bethany Fort. Not much is known of its exact location, but yes, I have heard it is further west towards the mountains."

I perked up slightly, Diane's original guess had been right. That was good to know. We even knew that it was called Bethany Fort now.

Jason shrugged, "That is a long journey, and there is no guarantee your friend is even still there. You are most welcome to stay here. I have arranged for you to have a small guest house during your stay."

I saw a faint flicker in the back of Diane's eyes. Something Jason had said had triggered a faint reaction. I wasn't sure why, but his tone had been somewhat dismissive. That might have been enough, since Diane didn't like rude people. We only planned to stay one night and I knew Diane would decline the offer to remain longer, so I wasn't too worried.

I was proven right as Diane declined, "I will still check it out. Thank you for your hospitality tonight, we will probably be on our way first thing in the morning."

Jason frowned somewhat as he finished the last of his bread, "Let me show you to your guest house."

Diane was watching him with an evaluating gaze. I began to wonder if his hand was on a knife hilt or something I couldn't see from my angle. She was watching him like she watched most armed strangers in her presence.

He also seemed to be getting grouchy. Perhaps he had indigestion, that chicken drumstick he had eaten hadn't looked the healthiest. I wouldn't have eaten it at any rate. He guided us down the stairs and back outside.

He shook his head and spoke into the silence, "No sense in leaving since it will just put the child at risk. You two will be staying here where it is safe." He sounded like the decision wasn't up for discussion. I stiffened as he brought me into the conversation, I hadn't said anything all evening.

Diane stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes flashed for a second, "Excuse me?"

She did not sound impressed. The man stopped as he turned around to finally look at us. He scowled, "You are not leaving."

Diane raised her eyebrows incredulously, "Why not and who made you king?" Uh oh. I hadn't heard her use that tone of voice before. Her body language was also starting to show her growing anger. I remained still, keeping an eye on her hands for any signals she may give.

The man was not as observant as me, or perhaps he didn't care since he was larger. He grinned wolfishly, "Because I said so and because I am the strongest here. My men need a lady to entertain them."

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now