[32] Valentines Day?

Start from the beginning

"What drugs have you put in them?" I asked as I took the brown paper bag from him.

"I learnt from last time that you don't seem to like me drugging you." Zeke admitted and looked away, slightly ashamed.

I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips lightly against his. "Baby I'm yours, okay? I told you, Dillon was nothing."

Zeke smirked and kissed me back. "Mine." He whispered and my heart went into overdrive.

After a few seconds he pulled back again. "Are you actually gonna eat any of the cookies then?"

I laughed. "Of course!" And then I shoved my hand in the bag and pulled out a huge gooey chocolate chip cookie (I exaggerated that to make you hungry).

Zeke seemed disappointed, and frowned as he snatched the bag off me and poured all of its contents on the ice.

"Zeke!" I screamed as I watched all of my darling cookies freeze. "What the hell are you doing?"

He seemed too confused to respond, intent on searching through the pile of broken cookies on the floor.

And that was when I saw it.

A glistening speck of silver peeping out from behind a caramel cookie. I bent down and reached out for it before standing up to face Zeke.

"A ring?" I asked. It was almost too good to be true.

Zeke itched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I planned that to go better." He admitted and I laughed before pecking his lips.

When I leaned back he took the ring from me. "Hayley... I said I wanted to do this properly. For this to be perfect just like cute five year old Hayley would have wanted Prince Charming to do for her, but I guess I messed that bit up." He looked at the heap of destroyed cookies, annoyed. I tried to interrupt him to say that it was more than perfect, but he placed a daring finger across my lips. "I want to start from the beginning. When I first met you and when I was a complete jerk. To when we went on a fake date and you looked... I just...

   "I always thought that no one would want me, with my past and all. But then you came and you understood. You didn't make me feel alone. I opened up to you and you opened up to me. I got you involved in all my crap, but we pulled through. Or you pulled me through. I just want you to know that from that day when you were lying in my arms as we fell asleep... I always knew I liked you. I tried to convince myself that it was just a stupid crush, nothing more, and that you would never like a jerk like me. I told myself that I would just get you into trouble, break your heart like I did with all the other girls who I didn't care about. And what pains me is that I did. I did hurt you. And when you went out with Dillon I was so angry because I knew that you didn't belong with him. He couldn't make you happy for as long as I wanted to. Whenever you smiled from then on I could tell it wasn't real. It wasn't like the grins we would share or the laughter we would cry. And when I hit Dillon I guess I was trying to hit everything wrong out of my life too, to make it all right again, but I'm pleased I did it now. Because you chose me and you don't know how much I could only dream of that happening. Dillon was kind, thoughtful... in my opinion a pussy but all girls seem to love it... I feel so overwhelmed and I just don't know why... Why you would pick me, apart from my amazing good looks, when I was only ever a jerk to you.

"But you did, and that's the main part, so from now on I swear to never hurt you again. I will be the best I can be and you... you just need to keep being who you are. Because you're perfect, Hayley. You may not believe it but to me you're perfect. I love the way you smile, your laugh or when you blush because you're wearing your pyjamas when they're actually really cute and make me want to hug you even more. So Hayley... I've wanted to ask you this for ages now but um... Will you be my badass girlfriend?"

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