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17.00 GMT +1

Im awake, not because of my alarm, but my dream, in my dream, I saw three old woman in my room, they sit on the floor, and talk to each other in latin, it looks like they dont realize my presence , they keep speaking very fast, they are discussing about the most horrible way to torture and take someone's soul, the first woman is covered with rotten wounds, the second woman talks with full of anger, the third woman is full of anguish.

I look carefully at them until the third woman said "look, he heard us" and pointing at me , they look at me quickly , they starts to crawl towards me and hissing like a snake, I command them to leave in the name of Jesus and Im awake, I was awake with my shirt covered with sweat and my heart beats extremelly fast, I know, something evil doesnt want me to be here

it's 17.05, I get up and pray, I open my documents and archives about the case that Father Xavier gave me, Lucinda, Lucinda Faveau, the name of that girl,

she is still very young, 18 years old, her mother is a good catholic, Lucinda is known started being different since her father left her, even she uses drugs, I don't know, I feel my sympathy for her.

19.00 GMT+1

"Are you ready?' asked Father Igantius, "Could not be ready more" I answer. Father Ignace starts his classic car and I sit next to him, tonight is very cold with rain shower, the city is still crowded of people, "where is the house father?" I asked, "they live at the outter side of the city, I can calculate that we could get there in 50 minutes" he responds, I just nod my head, "and, who do you think that we will face tonight?" he continues, "i cant tell yet, whoever they are, God is with us" I answer, Father Ignatius smiles

To be honest, I cannot forget my dream, who are those three women, and what is the connection beetwen them and this case.

"we are here!" said Father Ignatius. "this is the house, this house is here since world war two, with a little bit of renovation and foundation renewal" added Father Ignatius. I throw my sight at that house, a house with classic architectural style, has two floor" but, where are the other neighbour?, "you must be wondering where are the neighbours" said Father Ignatius suddenly like he can read my mind, "they live not far from here, just, their houses are out of sight at night" continued Father ignatius.

Ding Dong..

Ding Dong..

Father Ignatius rings the bell 3 times and the door is opened, a woman , 52 years old I guess, welcomes us, "oh Father Ignatius, thank you for coming, and you, you must be that priest from Vatican" she looks at me with friendly face, even though its clear she is tired , according to her dark circles. "Right Maddame, I will help your small familly" I said , "Thank you so much Father, please come in".

"How is she maddame?" I ask, "ah that's why I invited you here, I want you to see her yourself, Lucinda is in her room now, follow me" she invite us.

20.30 GMT +1

"Lucinda, these Fathers come to help you honey" said her mom to that girl with blonde hair, Lucinda is just sitting in silence on her bed, "Hello Lucinda, im here to help you" I greet her , trying to be friendly as possible, "ah, yeah, halo Father" she answer shortly with confused expression, "Hmm, Lucinda, do you remember something when he comes?" I ask, "No father, I dont remember anything, but he said many things to me?" she answer, "what things? You can tell me" I persuade her, "Disgusting things" she said, "has he told his name?" I ask , Lucinda shakes her head indicating negative answer, "have you ate?" I ask, "not yet father, I dont feel hungry" , im nodding my head. "it's no use to eat anyway father, my weight keep decreasing afterall" she continues. The Devil comes just to destroy, I remember the hardest demon that I faced 4 years ago, his name is daungore, means "torture until crazy" , I hope this one is not as bad as that.

21.24 GMT+1

I just finished praying and preparing what I need , such as : Holy Water, Crucifix, Rite of Roman Exorcism, I get into Lucinda's room , her mother is inside, talking with Father Ignatius, I see Lucinda and I smile at her, and she smiles back at me, suddenly, Lucinda scratchs the back of her left ear agressively, "Lucinda, are you okay?" I ask her gently, Her mom say to me "Father, its coming, she is always like this before get full controled" said her mother with sadness, "Alright, Father Ignatius, help me, Lucinda, we are going to pray, okay? Do not be afraid", I calm her. Lucinda nods her head, I tell her mother to pray too, we pray Credo Prayer, Lucinda's face shows fear, father Ignatius kneels on the right side of the bed, Lucinda's mother on the left side of Lucinda and Lucinda is on the bed, I kneel on the left side of the bed.

21.34 GMT+1

"Ouch, Father, My stomach hurts so much" she tells us in pain, I understand, it's normal in every case of possesion. "It's alright Lucinda, we are going to stop him tonight, do not be afraid, just pray, Michael the Archangel is with us" I say, suddenly, the door is pounding, like there is someone out there trying to get inside, father ignatius is shocked but remains calm, "Father!" said her mother in panic, I look at Lucinda , her eyes become white, the pounding on the door stops, Lucinda remains silent with white eyes, I check her eyes to see her pupils , "the pupils head downside" I said , and I remember my dream suddenly, "Father, please hold her hands" I ask father Ignatius, "In nomine Patris, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto" I say it and make cross sign on Lucinda, She remains silent.

EXORCISM OF LUCINDA FLAVEAU (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now