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10:46 GMT + 1 , 18 February 2015

"Mesdames et Messieurs, le prochain arret est la gare de Strasbourg, soyez pret et n'oubliez pas vos affaires"

"Ladies and Gentlemen , the next stop is Station of Strasbourg, please be ready and dont forget your belongings"

The loud voice of SNCF* officer comes out from the speakers , kinda makes me surprised, Im sitting in silence since then dont even realize the train that I ride is arrived, of course, place next to a window is the best.

I wear my coat quickly and in few moments, I see a huge train station with rounded glass roof, I arrive in Strasbourg, the capital of Alsace Region, east France, and has a direct border with Germany.

Train's door opens and Im rushing out, I buy a pork sandwich and a bottled water at Relay* , I check my phone and I see a message, from Father Xavier Candido.

[Greetings Father Vasari, I just know that you went earlier to France, have you arrived at St.Pierre parish?]

and I replied

[Good Morning Father, I just arrived at the Station, Im going to find a taxi, greetings, May The Lord bless you]

Father Xavier Candido is my senior and mentor at Diocese of Vatican, he is a head chef of Exorcism and Prayer of Deliverance department. He is a Jesuit*, and has solved 5000 cases of possesion. Me, my name is Lucas Vasari, im 26 years old this year, im a priest from Italy, from the City of Asisi to be exact, and I work for The Holy See*

I stop a taxy and show the driver the address that Ive noted before because I dont want to be mistaken if I tell him directly the address since my french is not good.


"La merdre!, c'est quoi ca?! (Shit! what's that?!)" The taxi driver yell at the same time when something black hit our windshield, the windshield is covered with pitch black liquid, the driver get out from the car to see what happened, and im following him, what we see on the windshield is very bizzare, a black egg splattered on th e windshield, looks like someone threw it, that egg is completely black, even in it's inside.

"urgh..Putain, ca se sent trop mal!" (Urrgh fuck, smells so bad) , the driver covers his nose and steps back, I just realize the smell, very rotten

I make a cross sign and say Jesus name, I tell the driver that I will continue by foot, I pay him and continue with my GPS on my phone, the church is near, suddenly my phone rings again, a message from Father Xavier.

[Greetings Father Vasari, ive contacted the St.Pierre parish and the one who will accept you is Father Ignace du Leclerc, he is a Monsignor* at the parish]

*SNCF : La Societe National des Chemins de fer Francais (Train and transportation company in France)

*Riley : Minimarket

*Jesuit : Organisation of Jesus (Society of Jesus) founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola

*The Holy See : Vatican

*Monsignor : a position above priest in roman catholic

12.55 GMT +1

Finally I arrived at an old beautiful cathedral, I open the door and an old man welcomes me like he was waiting for me since then. "Monsieur Vasari, bienvenue" (Mr.Vasari, welcome) he said with a friendly smile, "Father Ignace" I ask . "I'am" he responds. "you're still so young" he continues, "hahahah , not really"i answer, "So, could you tell me about the problem with more details?" I ask directly the problem that became the reason why i'am in France now.

"Im sure Father Xavier has told you about it, Father Xavier and me are a friend from long time ago, since we studied at the same seminary, so , Im sure your quality is same as him, that's good, you know its hard to find a priest who is able to exorcise a demon in this country, I mean, the one who is agreed by the Bishop" he said. "I understand, that's why i'm here now, well , Father, the entity won't go?" I start.

Father Ignatius takes a deep breath and say "Not yet, this one is very powerful, this girl's mother said that this spirit manifests starting from 10 at night , and the worst is at 3 in the morning, her mother is depressed and doesn't dare to live alone, that every night their neighbours are coming to stay, you already know about her father right?" , "oh, yes, I know about her father" I answer shortly."

The father of this girl ran away with other woman , leaving her and her mother , it was 2 years ago. "when do you want to go there?" asked father ignace , breaking my thought, "as soon as possible father, tonight if necessary" I answer with confidence. "good, im going to go with you, you can get a rest at the room behind, follow me" he answers with his smile.

"fuahh, praise the Lord" I said while throwing my body on the small bed, this room is located behind the cathedral, I think it's an ex-storage room. Im exhausted, im going to rest for a while, its 13.45 now, we will go at 20.00 tonight, I cant hide my nervous, im always like this before I help those who are oppressed by the devil, but this time feels different, I feel quite nervous, I set my alarm up, pray, and go to sleep immedialty.

EXORCISM OF LUCINDA FLAVEAU (ENGLISH)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora