Chapter 19 Did she have sex

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German's P.O.V

Can it be true what Violetta said can it ? Is it ? Did she really have sex's with Diego? Is she pregnant of Diego ? So many thing are going threw my head that are just making me crazy jealous I can't help it I'm in love with Angie can it be true her and  Diego had sex last night can it ? What if she did is she gonna get married with him move in with him and have lots of kids ????? Okay okay German calm down don't think about that just stop it and get to work yeah work that's good work work and work after doing some work for a while someone came into my office it was Angie I guess she is back from the studio

A: hey I just came to tell you that Violette is going to stay at the studio for something

G: okay thank you

A: is something wrong German

G: no no everything is okay

A: well if you need someone to talk to you can always talk to me

G: okay so how was it yesterday with Diego

A: not you to

G: what

A: do you really think I had sex with him ??

G: I don't know

A: I didn't because I'm not ready to have it with him or anyone else and I wanna make sure when I do it is with someone I know I would spend the rest of my life with

G: wait so you didn't do it with Diego and you have like never done it

A: I never did it but I may have done other stuff but never the real stuff but not with Diego

G: oh I um well I didn't know that

A: yeah well people just see me and assume that I have done it

G: well who wouldn't think that just look at you

A: what do you mean

G: just look you are sexy and a very talented and sweet person

A: thank you for the complement but im not sexy at all or anything you said

G: well I think you are. I said as I came next to her she just stared into my eyes as I did with her and her lips I'm dying to kiss her I really want yo but she has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend but I'm lost in her beautiful green eyes

A: I should um go yh I should get going . she said as she was about to leave but I grabbed her by the rest she just looked at me

G: Angie ?

A: yes German

G: um ........


Germangie moment who has been waiting for it what will happen next ? What will German say to her ? How well she react ? mmm🤔🤔🤔

PS: is you have any ship names for Angie and Diego please can you tell me I need one for my book

Thank you

Love you all so much 😇❤❤❤

And again sorry for the very short chapters okay I should probably stop talking now and get studying in school stuff but I probably won't study I would read fanfics but I have to study 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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