Chapter 21 BABY!!!

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Angie's P.O.V

After sometime of playing Jaz went in to get washed of because she got a bit of dirt on her it was so cute me Diego just stayed out outside

D: I can take you home if you want

A: no its fine I can walk

D: no no I will take you I'm not gonna let you go home alone

A: I'll be fine and I need the exercise

D: no you don't

A: fine you can take me home

D: jaz sweety come here

J: yes daddy

D: do you want to come with me to leave Angie at her house

J: yes daddy

A: okay let's go. I said and grabbed jaz put her in my arms and headed to Diego's car then put her in her seat and then went to mine Diego got on the diver seat and we drove to Germans house

After some time we arrived jaz got out the car running it was funny Diego was about to say something but I stopped him she went to ring the bell as me and Diego walked up to door Olga opened the door and jaz hugged her Olga as she loves hugs she hugged her back and laughed oh Olga we all went in and German came out of his office

G: hello Angie Diego and jaz

D: hello

J: hi German guess what

G: what

J: my daddy and Angie got me a play set

G: really wow that's great

D: sorry she is kinda happy

G: don't worry its no problem

V: hey diegie . Violetta said coming up to me and Diego


V: sure it didn't diegie

D: why don't we tell her the truth Angie ? Said Diego I looked at him weird like what is he talking about  and then he did a winking face and I got everything

A: why she doesn't need to know

V: so something did happen

D: jaz cover your ears sweety

J: okay daddy. Jaz cover her ears

D: Angie is having a baby

V: omg really I'm gonna have a baby cousin omg

I tried to control my laughter german looked very confused because I told him me and Diego did nothing

A: yeah surprise

V: I knew it I knew it

E: what is going on

V: Angie is having a baby

E: really congrats

Me and Diego were trying really hard not to laughter that I had to hide into His chest

G: congrats Angie and Diego

D: thank you German

A: um yeah thank you

V: Angie are you okay why are you on Diego's chest

A: I'm fine just a little shy you know

V: okay but I'm gonna have a cousin

When Violetta said that I couldn't handle it and I broke into laughter they all looked at me and Diego weird as Diego started laughing when I did jaz still had her ears covered but saw as and looked weird to me and her dad I'm just not a good liar

V: Angie Diego why are you laughing

A: um ..I....we...

I couldn't say anything but after I stopped laughing I could talk

D: we lied

A: yeah pranked ya

V: really diegie

A: you deserved it

V: why

A: you wouldn't leave me or Diego alone if we didn't or not

V: but did you

A/D: NO!!!

V: wow I get you don't have to scream

A: finally

D: jaz you can uncover you ears . Diego said as he did a sighn to take them off and she did

J: what were you and Angie laughing about daddy

D: grown up stuff sweety but we should get going home now

J: okay daddy bye Angie

A: bye sweety and bye honey

D: bye Angie 

Diego and jaz left I went to my room laughing and Violetta screamed that I can stop laughing now but I didn't listen and then I was in my room and started to draw a picture of Violetta face when we told her it was a prank it was price less I would never forget that face ever

Sorry for the short chapter and not updating in a while but I still hope you like this book and will read it

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