Chapter 27

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German's P.O.V

We got back home, but Angie didn't speak to me the whole way home or didn't even speak to anyone she was just looking out the window and when we got home she went straight to her room and locked herself in her room.

I need to talk to her but she won't open her door.

        Time skip        

Its now morning we are all in breakfast but Angie Olga said she left very early at 6:00 when she woke up Angie was already leaving.

V: dad can you take me to the studio as Angie is not here? Violetta asked

G: of course. I said

Angie's P.O.V

He kissed me why I cheated in Diego I didn't mean to I really didn't I love Diego and only him why did German have to kiss me why just why.

I'm at Diego's house I called Pablo that I wasn't feeling well and I wasn't going to the studio.  He said it was okay and to get well soon I lied to him but I really didn't feel Luke going today and I'm gonna tell Diego the truth of what happened I don't wanna lie to him.

We were on his sofa it was already 7:30 I was here for like a hour and 10 minutes.

D: what's wrong

A: I really didn't wanna do it Diego I'm sorry it just happened it didn't mean anything it really didn't sorry I'm really sorry. I said

D: what are you talking about sweety? He asked

A: German and I kissed yesterday it didn't mean anything really it didn't.

D: you and him kissed. He said

A: Diego it really didn't mean anything really. I said almost crying

D: when did it happen? He Asked

A: yesterday. I said

D: how?

A: I don't know he just kissed me. I said

D: I trust you Angie if you say it didn't mean anything I believe you and no one would have done that if it did mean something I believe you if it did mean something you would have never told me. He said and came to hug me

I'm glad he understand it I only love him and only him.

A: thank you for trusting me Diego. I said

D: I will always trust you and you would have done the same. He said

A: yeah

D: don't you have to go to the studio? He asked as he looked at his watch.

A: yes but I called in sick. I said he laughed and then hugged me again.

I feel asleep in his arms on the sofa after some time I felt him pick me up bridal style and took me upstairs to a room and put a blanket over me then turned off the lights and left.

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