Chapter 26 Germangie!!!

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German's P.O.V

It's the next day we are all now in the amusement park Angie and Diego have been getting compliments all day long about how cute they are together it's  really annoying and it's just making me mad I hate seeing the both together and now they are kissing it's really disgusting to watch.

D: German me and Angie were thinking me and you should get to hang out sometime like friends without all the girls. He said with Angie leaning on his shoulder.

A: Yeah so you two can get to know each other better what do you say German. She said as she smiled at me and I can't say no to her when she has that smile I just can't it's just impossible to do. 

G: Sure why not I do have to get to know my Baby sisters boyfriend better. I said 

A; Thank you, big bro. She said I don't like it that she thinks about me as her brother but if it makes her happy I'm happy.

D: Yeah thank you, german we should make a day that we can both hang out. He said 

G: Yeah we should. I said 

D: Well me and Jaz should be going home we have a long day tomorrow for me and her. He said 

A: Yeah good luck with the whole dentist thing. She said 

Diego then got Jaz then they both left it was still very early but Angie said he also had lots of work to do that's why he couldn't stay longer with us. Violetta went to go get some food to eat with Olga and Ramallo at a little place at the amusement park so it was only me and Angie now. 

A: why don't we go to that ride? She asked pointing to a really big one only for two that goes up and down it seemed really scary.

G: I don't know

A: are you scared? She asked

G: what me no I'm never scared. I said

A: sure you don't. She said Sarcastic

G: I'm not. I said now a bit loud

A: then let's go on it.

G: fine. I said then she dragged me up to the line so we can wait our turn.

What did I put myself into I'm gonna die today I won't leave to see tomorrow.

It was our turn we got in they put our belts on and everything then closed the little seat thing then it was about to start when it started it went very fast I felt like I was gonna throw up my stomach felt very sick Angie was screaming but of how much she was enjoying it I don't understand how a human can enjoy it.

A: woooooo. She screamed

The thing then stopped it I was so happy just so Happy it ended.
We then both got out Angie then grabbed my hand and dragged me to a fairies wheel we got on that to.

We were on the ride we were still holding hands I felt butterflies in my stomach I know its wrong but i can't stop it.

I then turned to face her she's then turned at the same time we bumped our heads together we stayed like that I wasn't looking at her but at her lips I was getting closer and leaning in until my lips touched hers we then started to kiss she didn't pull away she kissed me back it felt so magical we then pulled away she just turned the other Way and didn't say anything.

What is she thinking what just happened did she like the kiss I feel so bad now.

Hey guys sorry for the very chapter but what do you think?
What do you think is gonna happen now what just happened ? What's going on? Can you make any guesses??

Germangie: The complicated Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora