Rage of the Monarch

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The arachnid warden began her summoning ritual once again. Spawning more of the corrupted zombie guardians to the battleground. Vel could feel her blood start to boil at the thought of the amount of pain that these poor guardians had endured to get to that state. Her assault rifle sputtered out bullets as fast as possible, but she felt as if it wasn't fast enough. She riddled the corrupted guardians with bullets as the group continued their fight. A corrupted hunter sunk his chitin knife into her back. Vel let out a grunt of pain, and her fist charged up with electricity once again. In one swift motion, she turned around and slammed her fist into the corrupted guardian's stomach. Hearing it's brittle bones crack and break as it finally slammed into the wall opposite the way she was facing.

James was right, they looked intimidating, but they fell easily by comparison. However, Vel would be lying to herself if she thought that knife didn't hurt. She pulled the blade out quickly, but that made the wound hurt even more than it already did. He body glove and her armor began its repair cycle as she jumped back into the fight with her comrades. Charon remembered the first time that he had come across something like these corrupted guardians. Once again taking him back to the SIVA chamber, to where he died, and Shadow-17 was born. That event had a lasting impact on him, you can call it survivor's guilt or PTSD, but Charon didn't know what it was. It was as if every time he would remember the incident he would freeze. 

"CHARON LOOK OUT!" James shouted towards him. 

Charon snapped to his senses a little too late, and one of the corrupted titans slammed his knee into Charon's face sending him sprawling to the floor. Charon tasted something in his mouth; it tasted a little like metal. Blood. Charon got up and faced the titan who was cracking his knuckles. "Okay, round two tough guy." He said to the titan beckoning him to fight with a hand gesture.

The titan rushed him again, but this time Charon was prepared. He spun around then drawing a sword hilt from his hip activating it into a flaming steel blade. He thrust the sword with the blade facing the corrupted guardian. The creature screeched in pain he then spun around once again removing the blade from its abdomen and cleaving it in two in a single slice. Charon's sword was not like the one that James had created at Mt. Fuji, his was created in the light forge by the Iron Wolves. Those who had built the temple at Felwinter Peak nearly eight hundred years ago around the tree within the mountain. It was a vision that their leader, Ashraven had received in his sleep that under that tree hope would rise. 

The Iron Prophecy as it was called was passed down from the Nine Wolves to the Lords of Iron. It went as such.

Within the mountain under the tree that cannot be cut, the new world will rise. With sword in hand and song in heart a clan will be forged then break apart. From the break the land will split, between it the sconces once lit. Fall to darkness the watched people will, their homes will burn and time remains still. In that hopeless day, a final sacrifice will be made. To rekindle the flame and let life begin again. 

Charon for the longest time wondered about the prophecy and what the sacrifice meant. He, Felwinter, and Skorri studied the prophecy from the elder Ashraven. Ashraven was their mentor, and from him, they learned of light control and their place as humanity's protectors. They joined the Iron Lords upon being saved by Ashraven from ancient golden age constructs. Ashraven had lived for many a century, his beard an incredible length and his hair a similar size. He learned the first warlock incantations and abilities, from which all warlocks gained their power. Eventually, he died in battle when the Lords of Iron were defending Castle Munich; a large human settlement from a fallen assault. Ashraven was the last of the original nine founders of the Iron Order and demanded that Charon lead. 

Charon rejected the position because he felt as if he was not ready, Ashraven complied and selected Lord Saladin to be their new leader. 

"I wonder if he regretted his decision yet." Charon thought to himself looking toward the arachnid Warden. 

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