The Will of Crota

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Fireteam Conquistador in its entirety arrived in front of the vanguard and Eris Morn. Each of them appeared to be fairly well rested and stood in front of them. "So, Might, Fist, Heart. What's left?" James asked them.

"The Eyes of Crota were killed by a fireteam about an hour ago," Eris remarked coldly. "Now only Omnigul is left."

"Wasn't Omnigul the one that trapped us in the warmind chamber with one of those mega ogres?" Aaron asked.

"Mega ogre isn't the proper term but yes."

"Where do we find her?" James asked.

Eris pulled up a holographic map of the Cosmodrome for all of the guardians to look at. It pointed to a section of the Cosmodrome that they had never seen before, or ever been to. James got a closer look at the map, he remembered going there and there not being anything past it, just a large steel door with a keypad. "Eris, that door's blocked off."

"You may want to check that again James because Omnigul is in there."

"Understood, and why is it exactly that we are going after all of these minions when we should be focusing on the big bad himself?"

"We need to disrupt the chain of command James. Military strategy one-o-one, if we manage to kill his commanders, the minions will be without direction. Then we can focus on Crota himself." Eris replied slightly annoyed.

"Okay, got it," James replied. "So where's the LZ?"

The members of the group looked at him oddly. "Sorry, landing zone."

"You'll be landing right here," Eris said pointing to a section of the Rocket Yard. "The fallen have set up some anti-air tanks on the outskirts of the Skywatch; we have a fireteam out there to deal with the guns, in the meantime, you'll have to make do with what we have," Eris stated to the group.

"Alright, move out!" James exclaimed throwing his helmet on his head. The four guardians all suited up and headed out to the hangar bay once again. James headed out in his ship first and with thrusters at maximum air velocity. The others followed suit behind him.

"So big boss, what's the plan?" Cameron asked him playfully. Aaron and Sidriks were both astonished; she was usually the one to come up with the plans. They both decided to see how James would take this new role.

"We get down there and progress through the refinery to get to the Skywatch, once there we hop on our sparrows and speed toward the Terrestrial complex. Once there we continue pushing forward, and if the other fireteam requires assistance in disabling those anti-aircraft cannons, we help 'em out." He said over the radio as the group approached Cosmodrome airspace.

"You got it," Aaron replied approving of James's plan.

The team finally landed in the Rocket Yard. This was a place that James had seldom visited, it was all just so, similar. Rusted train cars blanketed in snow and buried in the ground was a similar aesthetic for both this area and the refinery only several minutes ahead. James hopped on his sparrow and started speeding the way toward the Skywatch. "I wonder if Charon is a member of that fireteam?" James mused himself continuing to drive.

The wind continued to blow through the snow drenched Cosmodrome it was a calming gentle breeze, a sound that was only interrupted by the random explosion or gunfire. It wasn't a long drive to the refinery, literally only thirty seconds. James decided on the route through the refinery because it would give them access to the Terrestrial Complex first. From what James could remember its purpose that was the building that was used to oversee the colonization of the newly terraformed terrestrial planets in the solar system. The place was filled with brilliant scientists and cautious investors.

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