The Blind Will See

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James and Charon walked into Vintagi's both of them laughing pretty hard.

"And so what happened was he was then walking around saying "YOU DARE DEFY ME, PEASANT! I AM THE PRINCE OF ALL EXOS!" James said laughing.

"That sounds like our Cayde alright," Charon replied.

James and Charon both took a seat at the bar and waited for Vintagi to come out to take their orders. "Good evening comrades!" He said in his typical happy manner. "What can I get for you two tonight?"

"I'd like an Old Russian," James replied.

"Ah, the drink of the motherland. I like your tastes." Vintagi said with a smile. "And who are you? I don't forget faces, but I don't think I've seen you here before."

"Name's Charon. Happy to meet you." He said holding out his hand to meet the bartender.

"Wonderful to meet you as well. Stalinslav Vintagi. But you can just call me Vintagi." He said shaking his hand. "What may I get for you?"

"I don't know, what's your favorite?"

"That would be the Legionnaire, a mix of tequila, cinnamon, and apple," Vintagi replied.

"Sounds great, I'll take one," Charon replied.

"Great, I'll be right back with those gentlemen," Vintagi said as he left to the back of the bar.

"So what are you gonna teach Nova, James?"

"Well, there's quite a couple of things, but the first thing that we'd need to do is get her a ghost. You know, 'cause I don't want her accidentally blowing herself up without a way to bring her back."

"Yeah, good thinking," Charon replied as Vintagi gave them some drinks. "Thank you Vintagi," Charon replied taking his glass.

James and Charon then hit each other's glasses with a clink. Charon took a sip of his drink. "Wow, this is incredible." He said with his eyes widened.

"Thank you, Charon," Vintagi replied with a smile going to the back to start cleaning up.

"So, what do you want to teach her first?"

James took a quick sip and placed his glass down on the counter. "Well, there is something I had in mind; it's a passive skill, but I still think that it'll change her life."

"Wow, it's that important?"

"Well, to her it will be, I'm going to teach her how to see."

Charon looked at him with his eyes bugged out of his head. "Am I drunk already because I thought you just said that you were going to teach my daughter how to see."

"You're not drunk, and I DID say that."

"You're kidding me, how are you going to do that?"

"Well Charon, this isn't something that they teach in any book. But void energy is in everything, from the smallest of atoms to the largest of galaxies. You can push and pull at that void energy, and you will be able to perceive the world in a way that ordinary people can. I learned that while I was meditating in the training room one day. I was able to push my vision so far out that I could see the galactic web."

Charon glanced over at James with a very similar look that he had when he used the beam attack. His mouth dropped, and his eyes were wide. "How come nobody else knows about this?" He asked.

"It's quite simple really, nobody knew about it. Most guardians don't think creatively about their light outside of what they're given. I wanted to test the limits of what I could do with my powers, and I learned that I could do so much more than many initially thought."

Prince of Darkness: Shattered Past Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz