Sherlock looked up shocked.

"Boarding school?"

"Yes. We think it's better for you to go away for a bit. Find yourself and possibly some friends."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. He knew that looking after Mycroft and Sherlock was a burden for them, being the ordinary folk that they are, but even they should know by now that 'friends' was something that they would both lack for life.

"Who would want me as a friend." Sherlock scoffed and he heard his parents sigh.

"Well, no one with that attitude dear."

"Is Mycroft coming with me?"

"Someone has to keep an eye on you. Make sure you don't burn anything down."

Sherlock groaned and turned to leave.

"And Sherlock?"

He turned back to his parents.

"Please make an effort for us."

Sherlock hesitated but nodded and left to his room.

He started packing. He could tell his parents had left out a crucial piece of information they thought would upset him. From that he could only assume it was that he was leaving very soon. Probably tomorrow.

He packed only essentials; his microscope, some clothes, some files on cases he had got off the Internet when he was bored. He looked around his room.

Had he missed anything?

He smiled as he spotted his violin in the corner. Carefully he picked it up and placed it in its case with the bow.

He lay on his bed and pressed his fingertips to his lips in a steeple formation.                                          



As anticipated, Sherlock and Mycroft were on the train to London the next morning. Neither brother spoke for most of the journey. After what seemed like forever, Sherlock decided to make contact with his older brother.


Mycroft just stared harder out of the train window.

"Listen, when we get there you don't have to look after me. Just pretend you don't know me if it makes you feel any better."

Mycroft whipped his head round to face Sherlock.

"That was the plan anyways."

Sherlock muttered a small 'Oh' and hung his head.

They walked through the gates and Mycroft immediately split from his younger brother. Sherlock made his way to reception.

"New student?" The receptionist asked.

"Sherlock Holmes."

The receptionist smiled. "Ah yes! Do you not have a brother joining too?"

"Yes but he doesn't want anything to do with me so he'll be here in a bit."

"Oh dear. Never mind dear. I'm Mrs. Hudson. I'll show you to your dorm."

Sherlock nodded and followed her through the labyrinth of corridors.

"Here. Dorm 221. You have today to explore and settle in. Breakfast is at 8 and classes start at 9." She handed him a timetable and hurried off.

 Sherlock pushed open the door.

The dorm was empty but it would appear he did have a roommate.

Sherlock put his bags on his bed and had a look at the various items scattered across the other boy's bed. He could tell it was a boy by the cologne 'for men' on the bedside table. He noticed a stack of science magazines under the bed.

"OK so at least my roommate is into science as well." Sherlock thought.

"No. Medicine" he corrected himself as he took a closer look at the titles of the magazines. All of them were to do with diseases. So presumably interested in being a doctor. He noticed a few jumpers hung over the back of one of the chairs. 'No sense of fashion' Sherlock thought and chuckled a bit.

He noticed the boy's suitcase in the corner and had a look. There was an unopened envelope in the bottom. In a girl's handwriting was written "To John. Please don't ignore."

A girlfriend?

No, then it would be open. And the person must have had access to his suitcase. So a mother? No. He had a good relationship with his parents judging by the picture of them on his bedside table. Or he wished he had a good relationship. A sister then? Must be. Bad relationship with his sibling yet she still wanted to give him something so she can't have been that bad.

Sherlock grimaced as he saw the parallels to his own relationship with his brother.

Sherlock walked into the bathroom and was surprised to find it nearly empty. There was a toothbrush on one side of the sink and a navy blue towel hanging on a rack but otherwise, nothing.

This boy must have some sort of toothpaste and shampoo surely? Sherlock opened the cupboard under the sink and smiled.

"Gay" was the first thing that shot through his head when he saw the numerous amounts of hair products and a variety of other stuff.

"But has not admitted it to anyone yet, possibly closeted." Sherlock made a mental note to not mention it.

Sherlock placed his microscope on the desk. The only other thing on it was a laptop, which had a layer of dust on it. So it hadn't been used in a while but the fact it was on the desk meant it had some sort of importance. Maybe there was something he had to do but kept putting off. A message to a friend or family member? Maybe a report for school? Sherlock put his microscope down next to the laptop and went back to his suitcase. He propped his violin against the wall. And pushed the rest of his things under the bed.

Classes would end in approximately 10 minutes so he sat down, took out his violin and absentmindedly plucked the strings while he waited for his roommate to return from class.

First meetings (teenlock)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon