Chapter Twenty Eight || The Pressure

Start from the beginning

"Hey uncwe KJ!" She grinned as her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and she kissed his jaw. I smiled at the two of them while maneuvering around the kitchen quickly to fix his plate of food.

"What y'all doin' in hea?" He asked as he looked.

"Nothing, being lazy, watching marathons, and enjoying Mother Nature." I said to him and he nodded his head before giving me a sad look that only made me crack a smile, just a little bit. Maybe it was his company that I needed to help me feel better, because now my mood was on zero and I didn't see it rising any time soon.

"Awe, that sounds boring. You gotta' get out and live life sis."

"I'm just not in the mood for life today," I shrugged my shoulders and took the plate from the microwave before setting it in front of him with a bag of Lays plain chips that he loved along with a blue Gatorade that he loved so much and I bought just for him. He was thankful for the meal because he wasted no time putting Raegan at her feet and starting to eat his food as he spoke to me in between.

"What's up wit' you Kam? You aight?" He questioned.

"I'm fine." I said quickly. I didn't need him worrying.

"Don't lie to me Kamille Riley Paige." He called, sounding just like my dad did and it was creepy. I sighed as I looked up at him and my eyes fell in Raegan who had climbed into the chair next to him. I guess I could tell my best friend and baby brother about my life but I definitely wouldn't do it with Raegan being around. I'd never bring her into my personal business if I could help it.

"Baby girl, can you go out and play with your toys for a minute so uncle KJ and I can talk?" I asked her with a small sigh and she put on her pouty face as she looked up at me and then over at him.

"But-but, I don't wanna. I wanna stay with uncwe KJ." She said as she started to whine and I shot her a look that quickly stopped her from doing so. I let Raegan get a lot of slack that maybe I should not give her, but she knew when I was serious and when I wasn't.

"I know, it'll only be a minute now go. We'll be in there when we are done." I told her again and she pouted more as she hopped out of the barstool she was sitting in next to KJ and put her head down towards the floor. Before she could get too far away he turned and looked at her before speaking, to make her feel a little better.

"Uncle will be in there to play with you when mommy is done, aight?" He said to her and she nodded her head. He reached down and kissed her forehead before she ran off out of the room and in the den area where she had been watching Doc McStuffins on the TV with Netflix as she played with a few toys she had all over the place. I let her do her own thing today and this is what she chose. "Okay, now wassup Kamille? Tell big brother what's bothering my baby sister." He cooed and I cracked a smile and shook my head.

"It's just that. Well G has been acting funny with me for going on two days now and I don't even know why. He says he isn't about to be played and it's confusing to me because I haven't even done anything to make him think I was playing him. I'm not, my main focus is Gionni, he's the only man I want but he just .. I just don't know KJ." I sighed as I rubbed my face becoming stressed. I said I wasn't going to be stressed about this, but I couldn't help it.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know KJ. I haven't done anything. Yesterday of course I went to work and came back home. Day before was Raegan's day. I got a call about Raemond being in the hospital so I went to see if he was okay, and that was it. I haven't done anything." I told him.

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