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Part 8

A couple of weeks had gone by and today I was going for a scan to check everything was ok because I had such a small bump. I hadn’t seen Aston since the day I told him I was pregnant, I thought it was best we only saw each other when it was completely necessary. I still hated him, but he was coming to the scan because he had a right to be there.

‘Hi….’ He smiled as I opened the passenger door to his car, he had offered to drive me there and back

‘Hey…’ I smiled awkwardly

‘How have you been?’

‘Fine….’ I nodded

The journey to the hospital was filled with much the same awkward conversation. Aston really was trying to make an effort but I couldn’t help but zone out of what he was saying, after everything he’d done to me. Sitting in the waiting room, Aston could read me like a book, I was terrified about having the scan, I wasn’t even used to the idea of having a baby yet, I wasn’t sure I was ready to see he or she, and I was scared that things were going to go wrong, everything had been going wrong the past few months, why would it start to go right now?

‘Stop worrying….im with you’ Aston smiled placing a hand on my thigh, the same sparks flying in the pit of my stomach as the ones the first day we met

‘Lilly Reynolds?’ the nurse called out, this was it, time to find out

I was taken into a room with an ultra sound machine, Aston following closely behind and then sitting on the chair as I sat on the bed. The doctor came in, greeted us both and then began to scan me.

‘Do you want to know what your having?’ the doctor smiled

‘Yeah’ Aston and I both answered at the same time

‘Your having a little girl, congratulations’ he smiled, continuing to look at the scan

Ooing and arring a few times, and scratching his forhead, I began to get incredibly worried

‘Is everything ok doctor?’


‘What is it?...’

‘There are some abnormalities on the scan…’

‘What sort of abnormalities?’ Aston chipped in

‘Well…have you ever heard of a diaphragmatic hernia?’ he answered

‘No…uh…why….what it is?’ I stuttered, a lump appearing in the back of my throat

‘It’s a sort of weakening in the diaphragm, its very serious im afraid’

‘Is my baby going to survive’ I said, swallowing whilst tears fell down my face

‘It’s a 50/50 percent chance, the pregnancy and birth is the most tricky part, but your baby will be very sick once she is born...theres surgery we can do but we need her to be strong enough before its performed’

‘So your telling me our baby might die?’ I swallowed hard

‘theres a chance’ he answered

Oh my god, everything was falling down around me and I couldn’t stop it, my heart sank with fear and worry that my baby wouldn’t survive. The chance was 50/50 is said, 50 percent says she’ll die, 50 percent says she’ll survive…

more? :)

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