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I had woken up in a dark room. It was mesmerizing, holding my hand in front of my eyes and waving it about, not even seeing the silhouette move.

At first, I didn't panic. I didn't move, I didn't say a single word. But then, I realized that I had no idea where to go. I was alone and isolated in a pitch black place.

I'd imagine it to be a black hole, sucking you deeper into it. When I got up to try to find a way to get out, I felt around for a wall to touch as guidance. My hand was met with nothing but stale air. I went deeper and deeper into the darkness, imagining myself bumping into a figure any minute now. A floating figure with long black hair, a long white nightgown and long sharp teeth and claws...

I think I sat down and cried out of fear and hopelessness a few times.

I have been walking around here for days and days. I am hungry and thirsty and I think I went to sleep and cried a few times more. It's impossible to turn around to go anywhere. The black hole is sucking me in, deeper and deeper...

Suddenly, I stop. A malicious voice whispers in my ear, telling me to turn around. I can't and I want to whisper back but my voice is gone. I feel its claws scratching on my skin, parting my fur. It pats the horns on my head slowly; dragging its nails across them, making a scratching sound. My pointed teeth clench as I think about running again.

But I collapse when my back legs fail. I've been walking for too long... I need to feast... I walk some more after the malicious voice left me alone, my back legs working again. 

I freeze when I see light at the end of the so-called endless maze.

I waited no more than one second. I ran, and ran and ran as fast as my four legs would take me. When I reached the light, a giant hand emerged from it, covered in rotting bandages. It scooped me up and put me into its palm. It stroked me, and it was warm in its hand. I felt happy.

Then it put me down. I howled and whined, but it didn't pick me up again. It pulled out and threw a human boy back in. He was screaming. He was terrified. I was happy. I felt myself growing stronger with every scream coming out for the boy's mouth as I slowly licked his bare leg and bit into it.

I devoured the child, not even bothering to preserve the food. My hunger took over me. I still remember his words. All I could comprehend was "Why?" and shrill screaming.

The sounds he made were wonderful to me.

I imagine that I come in his dreams every night. He sees me lurking alone, and sees that I am afraid myself. He keeps that fear in the bottom of his heart and only truly knows it when he's dreaming.

He doesn't know what he fears, just like I don't know what I fear. I visit him every night and I do the same to him every night.

I am his fear.

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