scotty mccally to levi 9:02 pm
So I'm taking it that you aren't great....

levi to scotty mccally 9:02 pm
i am, i mean i have my sister back but this is confusing and weird

scotty mccally to levi 9:05 pm
No I get it. Mostly everyone's like that when they first find out

levi to scotty mccally 9:06 pm
good to know, well i have to go about to eat dinner

scotty mccally to levi 9:06 pm
Have a good night Levi :)

Levi practically rolls her eyes as she realized how rude she must've came off to him — yet also became slightly flustered as she read his sweet reply. Levi shook off whatever she was feeling and began typing her message:

levi to scotty mccally 11:26 am
hey scott! so i was wondering if there was any way for you or one of your friend could pick me up? i decided to go ahead and go to school but the walk is really far and i'm too lazy to do that

As she impatiently waited for his response, she strutted over to the front door to grab her school bag and lay it on the kitchen table. Levi sighed, taking out a few snacks from the pantry and placing them in her backpack. With the lack of answer, Levi grabbed her chilled water bottle and swung her bag over her shoulder, ready to walk. But then she heard her phone's message alarm. He replied.

scotty mccally to levi 11:54 am
Hey Levi! Yeah sure, I was just on my way to lunch but I can sneak off and get you, no biggie.

levi to scotty mccally 11:54 am
omg thank you sm you little puppy

Levi quickly regretted her choice of nickname as soon as her thumb pressed on the send button.

Puppy...really Levi?

Another twenty minutes had passed and Levi had slipped on her off-brand Toms before going outside and sit on porch bench. She heard a motorbike's engine echoing in the quiet surroundings as she played Temple Run, her ride arrived.

She was greeted by the puppy himself, Scott McCall, who had two helmets – one for him and her. "Morning!" She chimed as she stepped off hurried down the steps and walked over to the motorbike. "Positive you don't want to stay home?" He asked, handing her the other black helmet. "Thank you, and positive."

She hopped onto the bike, wrapping her arms around his waist. Scott smiled lightly, though she couldn't see, "Alright, let's get going before we're both late for class."

And off they went, heading to school.

. . . . .

When Scott parked his bike in the same spot he had earlier, Levi quickly hopped off and snook her head out of the helmet, "God, I hate these helmets! How are you used to this everyday?" He shrugged as he followed in taking his off, "Dunno."

"Well thank you for the ride, McCall! I owe you big time." She smiled, adjusting her backpack straps on her shoulders. "No worries." He returned the smile as she began to walk off, "Oh and Levi—" She turned around quickly, with raised eyebrows. "– Glad to see you're doing okay."

"Well thanks to you and that roar, I have my sister back. Thank you, again."

"You're very welcome."

The bell rang throughout the school, lunch was over for Scott and Levi was just in time for her fourth period, History. They both turned to look at the school, seeing teens running out of the classrooms. "I..uh..have to go! But I'll see you around, hopefully?" She said as she turned back to him. Scott nodded, "Definitely."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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