» up to no good.

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*✧ ·˚. – CHAPTER ONE

The first few weeks of sophomore year were quite scary

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The first few weeks of sophomore year were quite scary. Not only was it just because high school can be scary in general, it was because, as Levi Tate's friends at school put it, Beacon Hills had become Murder Hills.

Students from school, employees at shops and just normal people living their lives were brutally killed. The thing that creeped the Levi out the most was the way they were killed. All had been strangled, bleed from the throat and bashed in the head. None were ever different.

Levi made sure to keep safe, but she knew she didn't have to worry  because she had Henry Tate as her father.

Her father was very protective. Ever since the death of her mom and sister piled along with the news of her older sister, Malia, disappearing without a trace, Henry vowed to keep his only alive daughter safe and protected from whatever killer was roaming loose in town.

Luckily for the town and the citizens, the killings stopped within a few weeks. But the memories of the incidents would forever be imbedded into her mine. One being a very close (older) friend named Heather Volk.

Levi had met Heather at field day back in third grade while the blonde beauty was in fourth. They liked many of the same things and instantly became friends. They played a lot outside of school, and by the end of the school year, they were best friends (along with Danielle who was also a year older than Levi). They had sleepovers a lot and would stay up watching Disney movies, having contest to see who could catch the most popcorn that was thrown in the air. Sometimes the two girls would stay up in Heather's room, gossiping about boys and would keep Levi updated on the crush she had on this boy who she had known since they were babies. And in middle school, Heather, and sometimes Danielle, would go cheer Levi on at her soccer games, holding up signs with her jersey number (#20).

She thought of Heather like an older sister. But Levi always told herself not to think that because Malia was her sister, her older sister that she could never replace. Even if she was still missing, or claimed to be dead by some.

And in August of 2011, just a week after the beginning of her sophmore year, Levi heard the news that her close friend had been killed. Words could not describe how devastated and heartbroken she was. She pondered over why someone would kill such an amazing girl who she had known for years. Heather was someone who she looked up to, the first person she looked up to since Malia, and now she was gone. Just like her mother and sisters.

She sat in her room sitting near the window looking out into the woods behind her house, sometimes seeing a person running past on the trail. She reminisced on the stupid things Heather had dragged her into over the summer before the school year.

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