Chapter 11

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We're sititng in the dark. She looks is stunning. I can't keep my eyes off her, I will never see such perfection again.

We're sitting silent looking at the sky while the stars slowly creep into the night. She's still wearing her red gown so I brought a blanket from the car and we sat there together. We confessed our love to each other and we don't know what to do. Should we kiss? Tell each other how much we love each other? Hold hands? We aren't so sure so we just sit there in complete silence looking at the night sky.

"We should go back," I say.

"No not yet, let me stay here with you for a little longer," she says and rest her head on my shoulder.

I look at her being so natural with this and I'm over here being a nervous wreck. My palms are sweaty I feel like a smell like an onion that was left on the sun for too long. Eww! But still she doesn't move an inch. She stays there existing with me. Sitting on a flat rock that frankly is hurting my ass. Yet I don't move. Not even a bit. I want her to stay here with me forever. Away from reality.

Finally we go back to the car and I notice the only car there is mine.

"Rebel how did you get here so fast?" She looks at me and smiles.

"I ran half way and then Josh gave me a lift," she says.

My heart is pounding a mile a minute. Josh? My josh? My big brother Josh?

"Josh gave you a ride? Isn't he supposed to be in his party?" I ask. 

"He saw you running and then saw me running after you so he followed me," she pauses. "He asked what was wrong with you and I told him you were fighting your feelings."

"He understood and went to get his keys but I was already running. He picked me up half way and made me tell him what was going on... So I did."

My eyes go wide. Josh is unpredictable. He might of curse her out if she told him that I was in love with her! Oh my sweet potato pie! How are they going to react when I tell my family I'm in love with Rebel.

"Don't worry Dani he didn't get angry. On the contrary. He knew."

He knew!?

"How?" Now I'm panicking. If he knew who else knew? Did Matt open his mouth? I must be that obvious.

"The way we looked at each other. He said he never seen you care for someone so much as you care for your family. He figure you would tell him yourself but you never went to him."

Now I feel like an asshole.

"How could I? How could I bring up to him or any of them that I'm gay. That I like girls that I'm in love with you-" she kissed me then.

Her lips are so soft. How did never noticed. It's like I discover a new detail every day.

"You worry too much Dani. Why don't you find out for yourself?" She kisses me again and this time I let her kiss me and I kiss her back. 

I kiss her back with all my might. Her lipstick and mine mixing together with my sweat and tears. We stop for a moment and look at each other. I don't want to look away I might miss out on something, the more I look the more I realize that she had been crying too. I was so focused on her beauty that I didn't see the streaks of eyeliner on her cheeks. My heart broke for a second, I made her cry, I did that. Without knowing what else to do I grabbed her body against mine and kiss her while stroking her hair with another.

After a while of kissing and talking and laughing. We get up and walk to the car, I drive us back into the resort in silence. We get to our floor and say our goodbyes and head to our separate rooms. I saw a silhouette of a body sitting on my bed.  I knew exactly who it was.

"You went rock climbing?" He says it so normal that it gets me off guard.

"Yeah, I did. I'm sorry I didn't stay for the party. I know it meant a lot to yo-"
He's hugging me now.

"Fuck the party. Nothing will ever mean as much as you mean to me," he pauses. " Rebel told me."

I knew what he was trying to say. 'Rebel told me you two are in love with each other.'
" yeah but what's the point Josh mom and dad would never accept it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because... Ryan is gay. And they were so angry when they found out."

"What?" Josh looks at me in disbelief.
"Mom and dad didn't accept it."

I'm greatful to have him as a big brother. He didn't question how was Ryan gay. He didn't even give it much thought.

"When did this happen?"

"When you were in Milan. Before dad went with you, Ryan sat mom and dad down and told them he found guys attractive. That he met someone and dad was angry. He was raging he cursed Ryan out and told him he isn't allowed to be gay. Like it was his choice to be gay. Ryan ran out of the room crying. Mia was angry with mom and dad, she didn't talk to them for months, Riley avoided them, Matt and Ryan kept to themselves. And me-"
"You acted like it never happen." He says firmly.
I lowered my head because that was exactly what I did and I felt so guilty.

"Dani, I know you feel guilty and you shouldn't. I'm the big brother I should be protecting all of you and yet I left to Milan without any knowledge of this."

He hugs me tight and I feel so protected for comforted by my brother.

"I know it wasn't her place but I asked well begged Rebel to tell me what was wrong. I'm sorry little sis." He says, his eyes watered.

I kiss him on the cheek," you have nothing to feel sorry for."

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"We should talk to mom and dad," he says after a long pause.

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy enough to take the heat for you and Ryan. You two deserve to be free to love whoever. And you both will get that freedom."

"Tomorrow night after dinner we will speak to them." He kisses my forehead once more and goes to the door.

"You have nothing to worry. I'll be there to protect you."

I smile at him and wipe tears from my eyes. When did I start to cry?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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