Chapter 2

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Dior won't stop flirting with Josh. Typical.

Josh doesn't like younger girls. Me and him have this silent deal that we don't date people that are the age of each other. Meaning I don't date 22 year olds and up and he doesn't date 17 year olds and down. It's better that way.

Dior won't shut up about "our hero." The whole way home. Part of the goodbye ritual the girls spend the night. I really don't want them to, I just want to spend time with my big brother since I haven't seen him for two and a half years! But who's counting anyways.

"So how was school Dani?" Says Josh ignoring Dior's babble. 

"It was good, my grades are flawless and my record is clean. I didn't get a detention at all this year," I say rather proud of myself. 

"Yeah, she avoided us all year," says Chanel with a look that can kill. 

"Sorry darling, I wanted her to do good this year. See I was the trouble maker in the family someone had to stand up and take charge who better than Dani?" says Josh.

"Oh I didn't know that. But it's okay since you were the one that asked her'" says Chanel in a quivering voice. Well at least we can clarify she might be bi.

Dior is on the other side of the car pouting. I know what that pout means Josh is not giving her any thought and her hoeness is wearing off. Thank you baby Jesus!
When Dior gets into hoe mode it's impossible to get her off her high horse. She gets impossible to deal with. I've seen her use this with the really nerdy girls in school. Hey, I can't blame her for wanting to pass. At least she tries... To cheat but she tries.
Finally we're at my house. It's a town house far off central park. My mother is against us living in a masion even though we own one for no freaking reason. The mansion is no where near New York but rather in the rich district of France. My mom says it belongs to my grandparents who I never met a day in my life. They send me birthday cards and they call every Sunday but they never been to New York and my parents haven't been to that side of France since Josh was a baby. Still we pay for the mansion and my grandparents pay for their servants. I never understood the deal with that really.

"You still live in this tiny house?" Says Dior amused. "Your dad owns three publishing companies and your mom owns so many travel agencies on top of both of them owning the most successful resort in Colorado and yet you live in a town house."

"Thanks for reminding me how stinking rich I am," I say in my most sarcastic tone.

"You haven't change one bit Dior" said Josh. I know damn well he insulted her but he said it in such a nice way that he even had me convinced for a hot minute that he complimented her.

"I like your house, you always have your family close," says Chanel. 

"Yeah unlike our houses they're so big! I don't get to talk to my sister because she's on the other side of the house and my dad is always in his study," agrees Ashlee.

"Yeah, you're right. I would kill for my parents to notice me," Dior says.

I remain quiet. Not because I feel so bad that I ran out of words but because I'm so greatful my parents keep me and my siblings close. Even when I didn't see Josh for two and half years I still called him almost every day, he would send me flowers on my birthday, presents on Christmas and loads of postcards when he had to work outside of Milan. My parents on the other hand were too busy to keep us in track. Mia is always getting in trouble, little Riley keeps to herself so much is unhealthy, Ryan and Matthew are always in their room doing whatever they do and rarely come out. They're twins, identical at that, my dad can't remember which one is which so that's always interesting at dinner(when they do show up).

I walk into the house after months of being away, Mia runs to me and just starts asking so many questions. Like why I haven't called? Why did I take so long to get home? And so on. Me and Mia are a year apart I'm 17 and she's 16. She'll be joining me next year in Valley academy.
"I missed you too Mia, where's the twins and little Riley?" I ask, I missed them so much. "And why have you been getting in so much trouble this past year?"
"Little Riley is in the kitchen, the twins are in their room getting ready for dinner. I just can't stand that school. How did you survive St. Marie's?"

Ahh St. Marie's catholic school for rich people. The perfect school to be if you want to get drugs, get in fights and get beat up by a nun. Good times.

"I didn't, that's why mom put me in valley academy, I don't get why she put you there when I experienced hell in that place"

"Because our mom wants us to have different experiences, she believes we should be as different as possible." Says Josh from the stairs.

Right our mom wanted all of us to share different experiences that's why she wastes thousands of dollars on different private schools. Because that makes perfect sense. We still don't argue with our mom's theory of us being in different schools so we don't experience the same things. It's not like Mia is going to make out with a girl because she was dared to or get a arrested by a mall cop because your friend is a horrible thief.
Eventually I make it upstairs. Dior is sitting on my bay window while Chanel lays on my bed and Ashlee is on my computer. Little Riley comes in and hugs me then hands me a tray of cookies that she baked and sits on my bed.
"I misshes you Dani," says little Riley with a mouth full of cookies.    

"I missed you too Riley." 

Riley isn't much of a talker, she's actually quite shy. She's the youngest in the house though she's 9, we still call her little Riley. She loves to take pictures and she only knows how to bake cookies because I taught her to. Unlike us Riley looks French, she has wavy hair and ivory skin, she has freckles just like our mom, her eyes are hazel like our dads who's Puerto Rican and Italian. Matthew and Ryan have wavy hair too. The only way to know who is who is their hair Matthew's is long while Ryan's is buzz cut. Matthew let his hair grow out so our dad can tell the difference he hated it at first but he now loves his hair just like he adopted a hippy attitude, while Ryan on the other hand loves his short hair and is obsessed with video games. They're both fourteen two years younger than Mia. Mia is short like me and our mom. Riley, Matthew, Ryan and Josh are tall like our dad. Mia is tan with dark chocolate curls and green eyes the most Puerto Rican looking one. Josh looks like a model, square jaw, perfectly trim beard, slick back hair, hazel eyes and slightly tan. Then there's me short, curvy, curly blond hair that doesn't suit my skin because I am in fact cinnamon, and brown eyes.

"The perfect blend" is what our parents call us and we believed it.

"Mom and dad left last night for the resort so we're going tomorrow night, so Dior, Chanel and Ashlee have to be on their way home by 1 pm. Okay Dani," Josh is all business. He hates being late.
"You got it boss man," I try to imitate his assistant Denis. Great guy but no backbone.
Josh rolls his eyes and leaves my room. Riley hops off my bed gives me a hug and goes to her room. Mia and the twins pass by and tell me goodnight.

"Whoah your brother got hot," says Dior after five minutes of silence. "Too bad he's off limits." 

"Hakuna your tatas there Dior." I say to her.
We all laugh and get ready for bed. Tomorrow sure will be interesting.

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