Chapter 4

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I woke up early the next morning. I was expecting to be bombarded by my siblings,but not this time. I guess they were tired from their trip. My stomach growled, it was time for some breakfast. This year I had everything planned, I will work as closely i as i can to chef Jose, learn how to run kitchen properly. Learn new desserts, how to cook everything in our menu. Impress my parents and they will hopefully see that I am capable of running a restaurant and approve of my dream of becoming the owner of a small restaurant.

As I walked into the dinning area to grab some breakfast still in my own fantasy of my own restaurant, I saw her. She walked passed me without a care in the world leaving her intoxicating smell behind of strawberries. I have never liked strawberries so much as I did that very moment.

She saw me as I walked up behind her on the breakfast bar. I don't help in breakfast, chef says my specialty is dinner so I have all day off until four.

I was staring at her hardcore, as if I didn't i wouldn't be able to take in such beauty, it was like I had a crush on her. Ha! Like that's likely... But maybe it is?

 Dani calm your tits it's just a girl

Just a girl...

I have to remind myself that there's boys in the resort and some are pretty hot, I guess, if I'm into jocks or guys that hung their sweater over their shoulders like some douche bag.

I wanna talk to this girl. 

Then I realize that I've been in the egg station for too long and people were looking at me. 

"Miss Diana are you alright," asks the server. 

"Oh I'm fine and you don't have to call me miss Diana, Steve. You can call me Dani. I work with you."

"Oh right! Are you excited to be an apprentice?" Asks Steve

"Yeah I am, I can't believe is happening, can I have some scrambled eggs, please?"

"Of course, here you go!"

"Thank you, see you later Steve"

Everyone stops staring. Thanks to all things holy!

I sit down with my breakfast and she sits in front of me..... IN FRONT OF ME MAN! 

"Ketchup with scrambled eggs what are you Satan?"

Oh no she didn't!

"Um yes I believe I am, I want to conquer the world by devouring the unborn"

"Whoa you're weird," she laughs.

Why are you laughing? It's not like I said something funny.

"I like you," she says. 

"You don't even know me," I said trying to hold my grin and failing completely at it. 

"I'm Rebel" she says

"Rebel? Well that's different," I don't mean it as an insult it's just very different.

"Yeah my parents didn't want to name me something basic and they expected me to rebellious so they named me Rebel," she explains, "what's yours?"

"I'm Diana Elizabeth. I'm named after princess Diana and queen Elizabeth the second," I tell her.

"That's so cool are you some type of British?"

"Nope, I'm French, Puerto Rican and Italian," I tell her pretty proud of my blend.

"That's a strange combination," she says amused, "you have pretty eyes and hair!"

She thinks I'm pretty!

My heart skips a beat and I think I might be crushing on her. No you don't Dani.

"Hey Diana," she says after I'm done with my breakfast.

"Yeah Rebel?"
"We should hang out later, maybe at the pool?" 

"What time?"
"Around two"
"Okay but I can only stay until 3, I have work"
"That's fine, I'll see you then Dani," she winked and walks away.
I watch her as she leaves 
She called me Dani and she winked at me...WINKED! 

I smile to myself, full of pride and something of happiness.

"Why you look so giddy?" Asks josh startling me.

"I think this is going to be the best summer yet," I say. I give him a hug and walk to my room to find the perfect outfit for later.

They thought I was going to be rebellious so they called me Rebel.


She sure started something.

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