Chapter 3

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Marco's point of view

"Star , Can I come in?" I shout knocking on Star's door." Yes." She shouts.I hear her unlock the door. She opens it and smiles." How was your picnic?" She ask in a strange tone. "Good but why did you leave it would have been way better if you we're there." I say thinking of Jackie's smile and eyes. Then I  look to Star, Jackie's beauty dulled in comparison to Star's. "I couldn't find my scissors." She says slightly angry. "Oh well we still have sometime before sunset. Would you like to do something?" He says. She looks at me shakes her head and puts on a smile." Sure let's have a movie night." She answer with a real smile." We can watch Mackie Hand if you want?" She says." Okay I'll go make nachos." I say. I hurry down the stairs and quickly make some nachos. Star comes down the stairs smiling and deep in thought. I stared up at Star, she was beautiful and she seemed to radiate happiness. She looks down. "Hey Marco." She says excitedly. "Movie time." We say in unison laughing. I start the movie and within the first hour Star had stopped paying attention and was staring off into space. "Star are you okay?" I ask. She shakes her head." I'm fine, sorry Marco I was thinking." She says." It's fine." I say starting to worry all day she hasn't really been acting herself. Star slowly falls asleep against my shoulder. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I carry her up to her room and put her in bed. I stare at her knowing that as long as I have her I'll never feel alone. I get up to leave when I notice Star's diary sitting on the dresser. If Star won't tell me what's wrong maybe her diary can. I flip through it quickly until I notice a page with the title My thoughts on Marco. I can't help myself and read the page.  I look up in shock of what I just learned. She felt the same way as I did. I walk over to the sleeping Star. "I love you." I whisper kissing her forehead. I head to my room and think of what I now know it also explains why she's been acting so weird she's jealous of Jackie. I close my eyes and drift off.

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