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Katie gulped, gripping her controls.

"Katie, it's okay." Shiro assured over the comm as he exited his lion. "Come on and help us find him. He's here somewhere. There were no casualties aside from Galra sentries."

"I-I know." Katie breathed out and stood up. "I just... I've run thousands of possibilities through my head and now I'm finally so close to him- actually on the same planet as him!"

Shiro chuckled. "Let's go get all the prisoners out, team."

"Yes sir!" They all shouted and ran in separate directions. Katie hurried out of her lion and into the nearest Galran building.


So far, there were five empty sections of Katie's building. Five sections of eight cells each full at least ten prisoners. Katie sighed. "One last section." Katie muttered, carding her fingers through her fluffy hair. She had long since taken her helmet off and tucked it under her arm.

Once she entered the section, she raised her Bayard and sliced the control panel to a cell. She stepped in as the door opened and grinned. "You're finally free."

The smallest alien waddled up to Katie, so she knelt down. She held out her hand and the little being took it. "Thanks so much, Paladin." She whispered, tears in her eyes.

"You're welcome, little one."

The green paladin resumed to open the remaining seven cells and followed the previous prisoners out, making sure all of them were making it out. Once she set foot on the dark ground outside, Katie spoke into her comm. "My building is clear."

"Mine, too." Lance huffed. "Just got the last one out. What about everyone else?"

Hunk panted. "I have one more section to free."

"Me too." Keith added.

Katie gulped. "Shiro? What about you? Is your block all out?"

Shiro was silent a moment longer. "Yeah... I got everyone out... Pidge, I need you over by the entrance of my block. Hurry."

Everyone was quiet. Katie looked down as small fingers brushed over her leg. The little alien from earlier smiled up at her. Katie pet it's head and nodded. "I'll be right over. I'll just make sure everyone from my block is uninjured."

"Okay." Shiro breathed out, gulping just before.

Rushing, Katie checked over all four hundred eighty of the prisoners she freed, the little alien following her closely. Once the last prisoner had answered her, she immediately bolted off.

Katie circled around Keith's building to reach the building behind his. She instantly spotted Shiro and skidded to a stop. She hardly noticed the little alien clinging to her leg. Tears sprung to her eyes and her throat clenched up. Katie chocked out a sob and Shiro heard over the comm.

Shiro looked up from the prisoner he was attending and looked right at the green paladin. Katie took off her helmet as she hesitantly stepped forward.

The prisoner Shiro still stood by turned and Katie gasped, halting in her steps. Her helmet slipped right out of her hands and another sob tumbled past her lips.

Tears spilt over and rolled down her pink cheeks as her shoulders shook. "D-dad..." She whimpered, then stumbled forward. "Dad!" Katie gasped and lurched into a sprint.

His eyes widened and he gasped as she threw her arms around him. "Katie!?"

"Dad!" Katie wept, burying her face in his chest. "We found you... We found you..."

Samuel paused, then wrapped his arms around her, and squeezed. "Yeah... You found me."


Katie practically clung to her father once he was out of the healing pod and in clothes Coran found and lent to him. Samuel let her.

The little alien, who's name is Fazluna, followed Katie around like a lost puppy. She was short, didn't even come up to Katie's knee. She was a pale pink with fluffy, blue cat-like ears and a tail similar to a lion's. The tuft was the same color as her ears and her new clothes, not the prisoner uniform, was a light green dress.

Currently, they all sat on the couch in the commons, Fazluna sitting in Katie's lap as the green paladin nestled close to Samuel.

Shiro sat beside Katie while the others sat around the couch. Lance sat beside Keith without bothering to start a fight, Hunk on the other side of Keith. Allura and Coran sat beside each other, across from Samuel and Katie.

"What was Pidge like as a child?" Allura asked, her chin settled in her hands, her elbows propped on her knees.

Samuel chuckled, carding his fingers through his grey hair as Katie groaned. "The cutest thing I've ever seen was Katie as a little girl in a summer dresses. She was so curious and happy. Always venturing and hiding and looking for new things to tear apart to study."

Lance snorted. "Sounds like Pidge. When she's mad, she'll hide up in these vents. Scared the quiznak out of me one time."

"'Quiznak?'" Samuel repeated, tilting his head.

"It's the Altean word for fuck." Katie muttered, earning a quick scowl from her father. She shrugged. "You asked, I answered."

Samuel sighed and shook his head. "She also has always had a bad mouth, just like her mother." Katie grinned, petting Fazula's ears. "She's always been very independent and won't take anything she doesn't like. Katie's always found ways to get what she wants."

Hunk snickered. "We figured that with how she hacked the Garrison and completely changed her identity to find you and Matt."

Samuel's eyes widened and he whipped his head around to look at Katie. "You did what!?"

Katie shrugged. "They made it too easy. But Iverson caught me one to many times, so I got banned. So I just changed my identity to attend the school and find you guys."

"Iverson!?" Samuel gasped, then laughed. "You got passed Iverson? Well, then I won't ground you. He must be getting old." He chuckled, leaning back. "Iverson used to be as sharp as a hawk."

"Not anymore." Lance huffed, crossing his arms. "Old man is an angry man, too."

"He's always been like that." Samuel shrugged. "Always angry. Just know that if he insults you, yells constantly at you, he knows your potential. He knows you can do better. He's just you the motivation to work harder by insulting and yelling."

Lance then smirked. "Wow, I must have tons of potential."

"Or he just flat out hates you." Keith shrugged. "He hated me, I know for sure. He personally kicked me out of the Garrison."

Shiro hummed. "Maybe. Or maybe he was disappointed. You were the best pilot of your generation, and you flunked out because of your disaplinary issues."

Keith slumped and shrugged. "I don't know, whatever."

Samuel laughed and stood. "Well, these old bones are getting tired. Where's this room you set up just for me, Katie?"

Katie smiled. "Well, Shiro helped, but I'll show you." Fazluna jumped off her lap as Katie stood, then waddled after them. "I'll head to bed, too. Night, everyone."

"Goodnight, Pidge!"

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