1 - Levi gets Hard

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A/N- whoevers name is in the title is whose pov you will be reading from.

"New cadets are arriving today!" Hanji squealed. I hated her stupid high pitched voice. "I wonder if any of them will let me experiment on them!" Her glasses fogged and she made a psychotic noise in the throat.
"Doubtful." I replied. The last bunch of new cadets were all dead, they were all useless and I was certain that the next lot would face the same fate. I could smell them before I saw them. The scent was incredibly strong, it was the smell of an omega. I was used to smelling them, there were a lot of them in the scouts and only a few alphas both male and female. Hanji was an Alpha too but the alphas in the scouts never had any issues with each other as long as we didn't touch their mates.
"Smell that Levi..." Hanji grinned again and ran out the door to be one of the first to see the new cadets. I forced the smell away and sauntered behind her with my hands in my pocket. Most people were outside already when the cadets turned up.
As soon as I walked out I froze.
His scent almost choked me. I looked among the few new cadets searching for who that scent belonged to.
"It's the skinny one at the back if you were wondering" Hanji could obviously also smell it but I didn't think it was affecting her like it was affecting me.
The boy it belonged to caught my eye.
"Shit!" I growled. There was a girl next to him, right next to him. I had an overwhelming urge to get between them so she couldn't touch him. I wanted to touch him. The boy cocked his head at me, he must've figured out what my eyes were saying because his eyes widened and he blushed.
I felt a cramp in my stomach and all of a sudden my boxers started to feel tight. Before it could get worse and I could get more aroused I slipped back inside and pressed my hands against the cold door trying to make my rock hard erection go away. I listened as Commander Erwin asked each person their name. Mikasa, Jean, Armin, Reiner....then he stopped. "Who are you?" Erwin was also an Alpha, he said it as if he was trying to seduce the boy. But Erwin had a mate already. That made me mad. Instead of arousal I felt anger deep in my stomach.
"E-Eren Jaeger"
Eren Jaeger.  Eren. Eren. Eren. I said his name over and over again in my head placing it with his smell. Once my erection had steadied. I walked out again.
"I'll assign each of you to a trained Scout.  They will help you and train you to use your gear on horseback and things like that have a look around and be back here in an hour" Erwin spoke, I slipped by and stood beside him as the crowd thinned out.
"I want Jaeger." I growled at him, still annoyed with how he spoke to Eren.
"I noticed."
"Please Erwin." It was the first time i had said that to another alpha. But we were his scouts and I needed that cadet.
"Alright." He replied "But you had better actually train him and not spend all your time fucking." Erwin growled. I nodded.
"Good luck by the way. You'll have Mikasa to contend with too"
Mikasa didn't worry me. She'd be off with her own trainer. And if she got in my way I'd rip her arms off.

"Eren Jaeger, you get the pleasure of being paired with our best soldier. Captain Levi" Erwin said it with a smile on his face that made me want to punch him. But if I was an Alpha, he was a super alpha.
As Eren got closer to me the scent got stronger. I had to hold my breath when he was a few feet from me.
"Hi Captain" Eren smiled and my insides melted.
"Just Levi you don't have to call me Captain" I said still trying to hold my breath as much as possible. The look in Eren's eyes made me wonder whether his sense of smell was as strong as mine and if it was...what did I smell like to him?
"Let's go. You can share my room" I stated it as a compulsory thing rather than an offering. Eren nodded and walked behind me.
"EREN!" Armin shouted. I spun around stood in front eren without realising it. The blonde haired boy looked stunned. He was a beta. I growled "Go back to your trainer"
Armin looked like he had seen a ghost "I'll talk to you later eren" Armin's voice shook but he ran off.
"That was mean!" Eren said narrowing his eyes at me.
"You're mine." I snarled but quickly corrected myself "my student. You're my student" I kept walking and refused to look at Eren while trying to keep my erection from showing itself again.

Not only is this my first proper smut but it's also my first omegaverse!
Hope you enjoyed this book won't be super long but it'll be very Sexy hopefully 😂
Love abbie 💙

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