chapter four

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Sorry for any mistakes, I'm just sort of busting these out right now and not really going back to edit them.

Harry Styles

I let out a small squeak as the man's hands trail down the side of my body, his fingers dancing against my thigh teasingly. I suck in a sharp breath, getting ready to scream at the top of my lungs when I hear footsteps.

"Aye! Harry, is this guy messing with you?" Carmen's voice fills the kitchen and I sigh in relief as she grips the man's shoulder and pushes him away roughly. My body is still burning even after his hands are off of me.

"N-No, I'm fine. Let's go." I mumble, wanting to get as far away from that creep as possible. I can't believe he just got up in my personal space like that! What a jerk.

I move to step aside but his warm hand grips my wrist tightly and he makes me turn around to look at him. I swallow thickly, my hand trembling in his.

"See ya' round." He smirks, bringing my hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckles. I rip my hand away and flush scarlet red.

"Bye." I mumble before turning around and practically running out of the kitchen with Carmen following quickly behind me.

"Where's Amy?" Carmen asks as I make my way back to the couch. I shrug, taking a sip of the beer in my hand and cringing at the bitter taste. It was nothing like I expected it to be but it's not terrible. I take another sip.

When I make it to the couch, I practically fall over and sink into the soft cushions. Carmen sits beside me and gives me a worried look. "Are you alright? Tell me the truth." She says firmly. I sigh in defeat and shake my head.

"No. You both left me alone not even five minutes after we got here and some attractive creep was already trying to get me in his bed." I ramble, sighing heavily and running my fingers through my thick curls. It seems as if they've gotten a lot fuller and more voluminous since I cut it two summers ago. It's almost back to my shoulders now.

Carmen sighs and reaches out to grab my hand, making me stiffen and then relax. I lean my head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Haz. I thought Amy was going to stay with you. I had to shake that creep off, remember?" She laughs, squeezing my hand.

I nod, taking another chug of my beer before looking up as Amelia comes over. "Hey! Where did you go? I found better beers in the garage." She grins and sits down beside me.

I roll my eyes. I'm still kind of pissed that she left me, even though she didn't mean to do it.

"You left Harry alone and then the captain of the fraternity tried to get in his pants!" Carmen snaps. She must be upset too. Wait...Captain of the freaking fraternity?!

Amy's face pales. "Zayn? He didn't hurt you, did he, Haz?" She asks, knitting her perfect eyebrows together.

I shrug. Technically, he didn't hurt me. "No. I'm fine, Amy. Just please don't leave me alone again." I say, glancing up at her.

"Of course I won't, Haz. I'm sorry." She says, squeezing my shoulder.

I turn back to Carmen. "And what do you mean the Captain of the fraternity?" I ask, tilting my head.

"That's Zayn. Him and that guy from earlier, Louis, are the captains of this frat." She explains, rolling her eyes.

"They are always hooking up with people. Don't mess around with them, Haz. Seriously, if they come near you just walk the other way." She warns and I nod obediently. I don't doubt a word she said.

"Come on. Let's dance." Amy says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up from the couch. I groan and shake my head.

"I'm terrible at dancing, Amy." I whine but she tugs me into the middle of the crowd anyway, grinning at me.

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