chapter one

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Harry Styles

"Come on, Harry. You're a senior in high school and you've never been to a single party in your entire life!" Carmen whines, her hands clasped together in a pleading manner. I shake my head, crossing my arms and turning away from her big brown eyes.

"No, Carmen. I already told you that I don't want to go to a party. Especially at Temple! We could get shot or worse!" I cry, throwing my hands in the air as I think about all the terrible things that could happen if I went to this party.

Carmen huffs and grabs my shoulders, making me look at her. "Harry. Nothing is going to happen! We're driving straight there, we'll park close so we won't have to walk too far afterwards and I'll stay with you the entire time. I promise I won't let anything happen to you, babe. Just please go with us." She begs and I sigh heavily, glancing between Carmen and my other best friend, Amelia, who was giving me big baby blue eyes.

I groan and nibble on my bottom lip anxiously, my palms already sweating at the thought of driving an hour away to go to a party in the middle of a dangerous city. "But... what will I tell my mom?" I ask quietly, looking up at Carmen.

"Just tell her you are sleeping over Amy's house. She doesn't have Amy's mom's phone number and Amy's mom works the third shift on Fridays. We'll leave right after her and no one will ever know. No one except us three." Carmen explains, and I look at her suspiciously.

"Why do you have this planned out already? I haven't even agreed to go." I mumble, which makes Carmen glare at me and grab my wrist, pulling at them until I reluctantly stand up.

"Because, Haz, if I didn't have this all planned out, you would never agree to go." She explains and I have to agree. I'm already hesitant and I would most likely have a panic attack if she didn't have everything planned. I have to admit that I am kind of a control freak.

"Okay...fine-" Amelia and Carmen both explode with cheerful giggles until I hold up my hands, "Wait! I'm not finished." I say and they both pout. "Fine, I'll go. But we have to leave the second I feel uncomfortable or else I'll never speak to you both ever again."

"Of course, Haz! Anything for you!" Amelia squeals and wraps her arms around me, knocking me over onto my bed.

"Ugh, Amy!" I wail but laugh softly, wrapping my arms around her small waist as well. Amy is beautiful, really. She looks like an angel with her long blonde hair that came down to the middle of her back and her bright blue eyes. She was very touchy which was great because I always love to cuddle. Carmen wasn't too big on affection, but she always came around when I really needed it.

(And honestly, I was quite shocked when Amelia told me she was gay. I always thought it would be Carmen if either of them had to be. Carmen was tall, with olive-toned skin and mossy green eyes. She had silky brown hair and an eyebrow piercing. But as it seems, she's as straight as a board.)

Speaking of how beautiful my best friends are... "What am I going to wear to the party? My hair isn't done and I have no cute clothes clean!" I whine, letting go of Amelia and rolling over to bury my face in the comforter.

"We'll take care of that, Harry. Just come with us to Amelia's house and we'll get you all dolled up." Carmen says, rubbing her hand over my shoulder.

God, this was going to be a long night.

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