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planned parenthood
I sat on Carl's bed with my phone ready in my hand, waiting for his signal. He was currently at Dominique's, trying to get in her pants whilst her dad was home, and this time I was okay with it. However, I always had my doubts, no matter how hard I tried to push them to the back of my head.


I looked down at my phone screen and smirked, seeing a text message from Carl.

gallagher 🙄: wow, it didn't take much to persuade her. call now!

I took a deep breath and held up the slip of paper with numbers scribbled on it, dialling the sequence into my phone. It took two rings for Dom's father to pick up, which I used to get into my most mature accent. "Hello, please may I speak with Dominique Winslow?" I asked, hearing him shout her name a few times before returning to the phone with a sigh. "I think she's busy right now. Do you want to leave a message?" I smirked again as the plan was starting to fall into place.

"Tell her that she needs to call Sarah from Planned Parenthood immediately. I've got her results." There was a short pause before the line went dead and I burst into laughter. That bitch was getting what she really deserved.

[carl's pov]

I heard quick, loud footsteps coming up the stairs, indicating the phone call was successful. "Dominique!" Her father yelled as he burst through the door, practically shaking the house. He stopped in the doorway and took in what was going on, seeing my naked body on top of Dom whilst she laid underneath me with only a bra on. "Get the fuck out now!" His voice boomed and by the look on his face, I thought steam would come shooting out of his ears any second. My hands grabbed at the pile of my stuff on the floor before disappearing downstairs, hearing their argument above me. I pulled on my clothes and listened to their shouting a little longer before running out of the house, excited to explain everything to V.


"I wish you could've seen his face!" I wiped away a small tear due to the amount of laughing we had been doing. Vanessa sat back and tried to steady her breathing before continuing "I hope that bitch gets put in her place." A smirk spread across my face and we sat in silence for a few minutes, taking in the events of the day. Suddenly, I spoke up, interrupting the silence with a question that had been on my mind for a while.

"Speaking of places, where do we stand?" I watched as she sighed before scooting closer to me, sitting on my lap with her legs wrapped around my waist. "Well, it's still a bit early but I think you've proved yourself Gallagher. Maybe we could..try dating?" V bit her lip anxiously so I pulled her into a hug, trying to keep her relaxed. During our embrace, I stood up and started spinning her around, admiring the grin that had returned to her face.

"I think we deserve a treat." Her face lit up at my idea. "I'm taking you out again but this time, we won't be interrupted by angry drug lords. Okay?" She hesitated for a second before giving in and nodding. Her lips connected with mine and we made out for while before I put her down, picking up a few items I'd need on our night out. "Let's get you a change of clothes." I said, observing her stained shirt before tossing her my car keys.

[vanessa's pov]

We pulled up to my house and I hopped out, quickly unlocking the front door. Loud crashing sounds could be heard from the kitchen where my mom was, raiding the cupboards and probably pissed out of her mind. I snuck Carl upstairs and into my where room where I quickly assembled an outfit, consisting of a casual black dress and my leopard print jacket. Once I'd laced up my sneakers, I turned to him, trying to organise where we were going.

"Vertigo in downtown. You heard of it?" He said and I raised my eyebrows, thinking back to an article I'd read on the restaurant. "I've only heard that it's the most expensive place in Chicago! Carl that's too much, I was down to go to Wendy's." My lips screwed up into a pout but he shook his head, coming over to stand in front of me. "You're my princess so I'm going to treat you like one. Now, let's get going before all the tables get taken up." And with that, Carl whisked me out of my room and towards his car.

[end of chapter]

ugh this guy i used to be close with has asked to meet up tomorrow so he can 'clear things up' and i'm slightly nervous because we haven't talked in months,, wElp

two can play at this game | cgOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora