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cat fight
In a matter of weeks I went from happy, friendly Vanessa to the girl who ditched class and didn't have many friends. Me and Carl had been ignoring each other since the day I walked in on him and Dominique, who had been rubbing it in my face that he was now 'hers'. Layla had started sucking up to Dom, trying to leech off another 'popular girl' that could get her male attention. Everything had just gone to shit..

Instead of attending most of my classes, I'd hang out by the back of the kitchens, smoking with the lunch lady, Rosita, whom I'd become very fond of. My mom was too drunk to remember kicking me out so I moved back in and locked myself away, residing in my bed.  My old ways were starting to creep back in, with my daily drinking, smoking and the occasional hookup. Maybe that life just seemed to appeal to me.

Anyway, it was a Wednesday and lunch had finally rolled around. I barged my way through the cafeteria queue before jogging a girl with familiar brown, curly hair, watching as she spun around and scowled at me. "Watch where you're going next time or I'll bust your ass!" Dominique tried to threaten me but I just rolled my eyes and pushed her again, making her back come in contact with the wall. "Try me hoe."

"That's it!" She growled, stepping forward and trying to swing at me. My hands grabbed at her hair and yanked it as hard as I could, hearing her screams starting to fill the cafeteria. A circle gathered around us as Dom floored me by kicking my shin, giving her some time to hold me down. I felt one of her fists colliding with my cheek which made me groan but I managed to roll over and get on top of her. Before people could pull us apart, I bashed my head into hers, staring down at her bloody forehead as the pain started flooding in.

"Kiss my ass!" She yelled, trying to dart at me again from the arms of two seniors. "Well I wouldn't want to get gonorrhoea now, would I?" I replied as the whole room started laughing and oohing. Once I'd shaken myself free from the people who'd tried to hold me back, I spat some collected blood in Dom's direction and walked away, making sure to avoid eye contact with Carl on the way out. Without even having to look at his expression, I could tell he was smirking.

I winced in pain for the twentieth time as I tried to clean myself up, watching the blood as it gathered in the sink. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing a scarlet-faced principle. "Vanessa Wilkes! What do you have to say for yourself?" She exclaimed, steam practically coming out of her ears. "She deserved it." I muttered casually before being pulled out of the restroom and towards the principles office. As soon as I saw Dominiques dry ass curls, I knew we were in for a long lecture.

The woman rambled on for at least half an hour, talking about how bad fights are supposed to be and other shit I didn't care about. Once she'd finished, the principle turned to me, concern clear in her face. "Vanessa, it's also come to my attention that you've been skipping class and I've heard from many people that you've been smoking on the premises. I'm sorry but until further notice, you will be excluded." A smug laugh erupted from the girl sat next to me and I shot her a fake smile. "At least I won't have to be around these skanks." Both the principle and Dom looked up at me in disgust as I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

Being excluded wouldn't be all bad. I'd get to stay in bed all day and damage my organs more then I already had. Upon arriving home, my mom was no where to be seen so I grabbed one of the leftover bottles of Vodka and dragged it upstairs with me, locking my bedroom door so I wouldn't be disturbed. My phone blasted Lil Peep as I slid my back down the wall until I was sat with my knees tucked into my chest. Within 20 minutes, the alcohol had been downed and several cigarette butts sat in the ashtray by my feet.
I was a mess..

[end of chapter]

i always knew dom was bad news in shameless but jaylen barron is so fucking attractive wOw

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