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I was still annoyed about the whole cafeteria situation and being thrusted into drama on the first day of Carl's return was starting to take a toll on me. I arrived late to fifth period by only a few minutes but Mr Jefferson wasn't in a negotiative mood. "Vanessa, you're late. You have a detention with me after school, now sit down before I lengthen it!" He boomed, pointing to the back.

I sighed and slumped into the empty seat. At least being at the back let me sleep because our teacher wasn't tall enough to see past the middle row. My head rested on my arms as I slowly drifted off, awaiting the dismissal bell.

[after school]

I walked down the corridor towards Mr Jeffersons' classroom and went straight in, not bothering to knock. "Well, you come on time to detentions but as soon as a lesson is involved, you show up five minutes late." He lectured without looking up from his computer. My eyes rolled as I sat down near the back again, just as Carl Gallagher entered the room. As expected, he came over and sat next to me, although there were 20 other seats available.

"We meet again, baby girl." He smirked, placing his hand on my thigh. My eyes shifted towards the clock as he continued to whisper sexual shit in my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin. Suddenly, Mr Jefferson got up and checked on us from his classroom door. "I have to pick up some printing. Stay here and be quiet until I get back." He demanded before disappearing into the corridor.

In that moment, I'd never wanted to see that teacher so badly but now I was stuck in an empty classroom with Carl. "All we need is five minutes.." His smirk deepened and I felt his body starting to lean towards me. In a matter of seconds, my back was pressed against the wall with only a small gap between us. "What do you think you're playing at?" I snapped, pushing him back slightly. "You're not getting any closer." He looked down at his crotch and smirked. "This is all I need baby." Once again, I rolled my eyes which made him chuckle.

"Carl, why are you like this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He shrugged and put his feet up on the desk. "I dunno.. Why are you so against me?" I paused, trying to think of one simple answer to give him. "Because.. Because I don't want to be another one of those girls that you cast aside once you get bored. I know what you're like Gallagher, I'm not stupid." A sigh escaped his lips as he pulled a joint out of his pocket, offering it to me.

"You want?" He asked and I nodded, watching him place it between my lips. He handed me a lighter so I could light up and take a good hit. His eyes were fixed on me and I smirked, "This is the closest you're getting to tasting me." We both burst into laughter as I passed him the zoot.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps getting closer to the classroom, panic clear in my face. Carl searched around for an escape plan, settling his gaze on the window before looking back at me. I let out a sigh as we made a dash for it, diving onto the grass below. Luckily, Mr Jeffersons classroom was on the first floor so we didn't have to fall very far. We ducked under the windowsill and heard the teacher groaning in frustration, which made me burst into laughter. A hand quickly covered my mouth and I tried to compose myself before we snuck off towards the back gates.

"I wish I could've seen his face.." Carl chuckled, draping his arm around my shoulders. I grinned as the joint landed in front of my face, allowing me to grab it while he wasn't looking. "Hey-" After unraveling myself from his grip, I ran in front of him, taking several hits of the blunt to taunt him. "Bye Gallagher!" I sang before sprinting ahead and towards the parking lot. He stood still and watched me with a dumb-founded look on his face. 'Sucker' I thought as I disappeared around the building and out of his view.

[end of chapter]

have any of you seen season 8 of shameless? i watched most of it but forgot to catch up on the last few eps :)

two can play at this game | cgWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt