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"cornrows and smirks"
Today was the day. I rolled out of bed and felt my stomach drop as my thoughts wondered to school. I threw on some sweats and a hoodie, feeling too lazy to find an actual outfit in my messy closet. My phone buzzed on the night stand, showing a text from Layla.

layla 💘: i'll be at urs in 5! be ready xx

I sighed at the notification before disappearing into the bathroom, finishing off my usual routine. Finally, I grabbed my bag from the corner of my room and strode downstairs. "Mom?" My voice echoed throughout the house but she was no where to be found. 'She's at the Alibi Room again..' I internally sighed as my teeth bit down on an apple.


I swung open the front door to see Layla leaning against the porch banister, sipping on a coffee. "Morning!" She grinned, following me towards my car. "Are you ready?" I glared at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'll never be ready." Suddenly, I disappeared into the drivers seat as Layla chuckled, sliding into the passengers side. After backing out of the driveway, we drove down the main high street, making our way to school.

Once the car was parked and locked, Layla noticed a crowd gathering by the school entrance. "What are they doing?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. She shrugged and took my hand, leading me towards the cluster of students. We pushed our way through until I caught the glimpse of a very familiar face. I tugged on Layla's arm and hissed, "No, it's Carl!", but she didn't get the message and soon enough, we were right at the centre of it all.

My eyes were painfully fixed on Carl, who had his back to us, anxiety brewing in the pit of my stomach. Suddenly, he turned around and his grin switched to a lustful smirk. "Well, well, well," He chuckled in his deep, seductive voice. "Look who it is!" He took a step towards me but by then, I had sharply turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. I didn't look back to see if Layla was following me, I just speed-walked inside the school building and slammed one of the doors behind me.

[during lunch]

Layla walked me to lunch and my nerves hit again. Everyone would be in that hall, including Carl. We quickly got our food and took the trays to an empty table on the left-hand side of the cafeteria. A conversation started about her boyfriend, continuing on for most of the lunch period until another tray was laid on the table. Carl and his friends were stood before us, a smirk smacked on his face as usual. He sat down and signalled for his friends to disperse.

"What was the rush this morning, babe?" He asked, sitting back in his seat and picking up a soda. I rolled my eyes and pushed the fear to the back of my head. "I'm not your babe Carl." I spoke bluntly before turning back to Layla. He raised an eyebrow and tried again. "Come on V, you know you want this. I bet you've been waiting for me to come back so we can finally fuck."

Adrenaline shot through my body and I clenched my fists. "Carl, I don't want to fuck you, but I bet those little sluts over there do. Hm, that reminds me, shouldn't you be other there already with your head between their legs? Just fuck off!" I got louder and louder until the whole cafeteria heard me and it was only once I'd finished that I noticed. 'Fuck..' I thought as I saw the table of his hoes turn around and send me death glares. He sat there for a second, a dumb-founded expression on his face but that soon switched back into a smirk. "Damn, you're so sexy when you're angry."

I groaned in frustration and walked out of the cafeteria. Carl was back and he was up to his old games..

[end of chapter]

carl's back bitches! i missed him tbh, fuckboys are such fun characters to write about.

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