Chapter Ten

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A banging noise on the door shot Colbie out of her thoughts. She glanced at the door, hearing Ruby's muffled voice through the wood. Colbie sat on her bed and picked at the bedspread, unmoving from her cross-legged position in the center. "Don't you dare come in!" she threatened but made no movement to jump up to lock the door.

Deep down, Colbie wanted someone to talk to. She really did, but she'd just make someone cry or fuck up their feelings, like usual. So she'd sit on her bed until Alden came to her and apologized.

Colbie heard the door click open and she turned her head, ready to yell at Ruby, but it was Reed. She turned and pointed at the door. "Did Ruby send you in? Actually, don't answer that, just get the hell out of my room."

"Wh-what? No..." Reed muttered, looking back at the door. He seemed to lean toward the door at the sound of Colbie's voice but he straightened his back, staying in front of it.

Ruby's head peeked out from the crack in the door, staring at Colbie.

"What do you want, both of you? I'm not apologizing to Alden unless he apologizes first," Colbie said, crossing her arms.

The door flung open and Reed stumbled forward, catching himself on the desk. He grunted, looking back at Ruby, but she was already marching herself toward Colbie.

"Are you joking? Colbie, forgive me if this hurts you or anything, but you're acting like a damn child and it's really pathetic!" Ruby said, crossing her arms.

"Way to be blunt, Ruby," Colbie said, leaning back. She shrugged and looked up at the white ceiling, waiting for them to leave. "Can you go?"

Ruby looked hesitant for a moment before shaking her head. "Fine. You know, I'm just trying to help you like you helped me."

Colbie rolled her eyes at Ruby and continued to stare up at the ceiling, waiting for the click of the door shutting. "Are you guys gone yet?"

"No. We're not going until you apologize to Alden!" Ruby said, crossing her arms. She stepped over and peered at Colbie's face.

"Ruby maybe you should get Alden to apologize to her too? They can--"

"Why would he need to apologize? She's the one flipping out!" Ruby spun around, staring at Reed.

Reed flinched and raised his arms at Ruby's explosive reply. "I...I guess but maybe it would be better to--"

"No way. Are you taking her side, Reed?" Ruby snapped.

Colbie sat up, eyebrows raised at their fighting. It was kind of amusing. Like it was going to change anything--the only thing it would change is the relationship. "Fine, just knock off your fighting," Colbie said, pushing past the two standing at the door. "I don't want you two fighting because of me. You guys are friends, so stop," Colbie muttered, stepping into the hallway.

"Wait, really?" Ruby shouted down the hall, watching Colbie walk past Alden's door to the training room.

Colbie found Eugene, of course, in the training room. "Old man. I want to do another trial run to prove that we can still work together during combat, even if we don't get along outside of it."

Eugene looked up, raising an eyebrow at her command. "How do you know that you will succeed?" He turned toward her. "I'm not sure if you all can be ready for it."

Colbie shrugged, looking up at the blue lights. "I don't. I'm sick of staying here, though. It's better to see how we do in combat when we're fighting, isn't it? If we can still work together, then we'll do fine."

Eugene looked hesitant for a few moments, debating on what to do. "If it gets too rough, I'm destroying the animal myself. Understood?"

"Understood. I'll get everyone," Colbie said, running back into the hallway. She almost ran into Alden, shoving him against the wall. "Get into the training room, we're doing another trial run!" she shouted over her shoulder.

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