Chapter 5: It's a kidnapping

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I woke up as I walked down the stairs. Mom greets me, "Good morning, Son. Did you have a nice sleep?"

I stretched my arms, "Yeah, I think so. How's Dad?"

"He's in the Great Hall in a meeting with the whole village about finding the Dragon's Nest again." She sighed. I knew that it worries her about the dangers that Dad would do with the Nest.

"You don't have to worry about Dad, Mom. Besides, he doesn't really listen to what I have to say either."

I imitated him, " Excuse me, barmaid! I believe you gave me the wrong offspring! I order a boy who would help me with becoming Chief, but this... this is a fishbone!"

Mom laughs at my imitation of her husband. "Hiccup, you have to look on the bright side of things."

I said, "I know."

I decided to visit Valkyrie and Toothless. I wonder if she ever finished making that tailfin for Toothless.

I pulled out the sketch I pulled last night. I didn't expect that Astrid was a good artist. Her details were on point and I wonder if she would make it into a reality one day.

Snap it out, Hiccup! Astrid is no longer here! You have to accept it and move on.

Valkyrie notices me.

"Wow, you're up early." She said.

"Morning, Valkyrie, Toothless." I greeted them both.

Then I noticed the fake tailfin.

It was brown fabric and on Toothless's back was a saddle for Valkyrie.

She said, "With all the fabric you helped me with last night, I made a saddle."

"Impressive." I said.

That's when Toothless gave her a evil grin.

She understand what he meant as she hops into the saddle and then I watched them flew up.

Then I see something else. Valkyrie and her dragon coming towards me.

I knew in that moment I'm in serious trouble. I ran as fast as I could.


Toothless and I knew that we have to change Hiccup's mind.

I switched the tailfin and flew towards him.

He knew that he was in serious trouble as he tries to run as fast as he can to get back to the village.

"Let's take him for a ride, shall we?"  Toothless asks.

I nodded as the Night Fury instantly grabbed the boy with his claw.

"Oh, Great Odin's ghost! This is it!" Hiccup cried, terrified of the height.

Toothless puts him in a tree.

"What is this?" He said, hanging onto the tree.

"It's a kidnapping." I replied.

 "Get me down from here, Valkyrie!" He said.

"Not if you going to be scared of riding on a dragon. It's not that bad. I won't speak, Hiccup. Just let me show you." I said, offering a hand.


Valkyrie can't be serious! Me, riding on one of those beasts that raided our village?!?

She offers me a hand, and she seemed determined. I knew that there's no other way to get me out of this situation.

I grabbed hold of her hand as I was pulled into Toothless's back.

"Now, get me down." I said to the Rider.

Instantly, the Night Fury flew up and I was scared as I was trying to stay onto the dragon.

Valkyrie chuckles at how much scared I was, as the Night Fury did some tricks on his sleeve.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I wouldn't be mean to dragons ever again!" I said, hoping that the Night Fury heard of what I said.

All of a sudden, the flight became smoother.

Author's note: What you think will happen next? Find out soon - Jan

Would you come back? (Hiccstid)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora