Chapter 5 - Don't Cry

Start from the beginning

"He was there to discuss security with my Alpha and pay respects at a ceremony for a deceased pack member," I answered quietly, still staring down at my food.

Olivia and Veronica were looking between me and Wyatt with quizzical expressions. Henry and Michael obviously already knew of the situation, as they made sure not to make eye contact with any of us.

"My mother was killed by a rogue," I added quietly. It was almost a whisper, but I knew they heard me. Werewolves could hear just about anything. I closed my eyes and a single tear rolled down my cheek as I heard Wyatt growl. I couldn't tell if he was growling because of what I had just told everyone, or because he didn't like to see me cry.

"Oh dear," Veronica said softly as she reached over to squeeze my shoulder. She then shot Wyatt an angry look, either for not comforting me himself, or for not telling everyone this beforehand so I wouldn't have had to go through the pain of this conversation.

Dinner was pretty much over at that point. Everyone had lost their appetites and the conversation was spoiled. Veronica and Olivia gave me tight hugs and whispered words of encouragement before grabbing their mate's hands and exiting the Alpha's quarters. Wyatt and I walked silently back to the bedroom as Mary Ann and Joshua began cleaning up the kitchen and dining room. When we finally entered the bedroom, Wyatt quietly shut the door behind us and moved over to the large lounging chair near the bookcase. I hesitantly sat on the edge of the bed with my eyes closed, trying to calm my breathing.

"That didn't go as planned," Wyatt grumbled.

My eyes shot open and I looked over at him. "Why didn't you tell me about the rogues earlier?" I asked quietly as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I was trying to protect you! Damnit Hana!" Wyatt shouted as he stood up suddenly. I flinched at his sudden outburst and stared down at my fingers in my lap, picking at the skin around my fingernails.

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed out as the tears and emotions flooded my body, although I wasn't sure what I was apologizing for. It was just in my nature to be kind and somewhat submissive.

Wyatt cursed under his breath and walked over to sit down on the edge of the bed next to me. He grabbed one of my hands, forcing me to stop my picking. "Please don't cry," he mumbled softly.

I looked over at him and his eyes were wide and full of emotions that I couldn't single out. He then released my hand and wrapped both of his arms around me instead, pulling my face into his chest as he stroked my hair lovingly.

"I'm trying Hana, I promise I'm trying," he murmured into my hair as he kissed the top of my head. Goddess, he was so confusing, yet I felt my heart swelling at his words. Mate loves us, my wolf purred in my head.

Before I could even try to object, Wyatt picked me up, threw the covers back from the bed, and sat me back down. He then walked towards the closet and I stared at him through my tears, even more confused now. He quickly returned with a long white t-shirt and made his way over to me. He quickly unbuttoned the shirt I was wearing and I gasped, but he had already taken it off before I could fully react. I wrapped my arms around myself and my face turned bright red. My wolf simply laughed at me. She thought I was stupid for feeling self-conscious in front of our mate.

Wyatt then pulled the white t-shirt over my head and laid me down before quickly unbuttoning my black pants, pulling them off, and then bringing the blankets over my body and up under my chin. He tossed the used clothing into a hamper in the closet and then moved to his closet to remove his own clothing. I gasped once again at the sight of his beautiful body and blushed as I pulled the blankets up a bit more. I could've swore I heard him chuckle a bit.

He had changed into a pair of plaid pajama pants with no shirt, which I didn't mind, and then flipped off the light switch before moving over to the other side of the bed. He slowly slid under the blankets and I could feel his body heat invading my senses. My wolf wanted nothing more than to be underneath him.

I heard him sigh lightly, before he reached out and pulled me against his chest. Our bodies fit perfectly together, as mates always did. His warmth on my back side was so comforting, it shocked me a bit.

"Tomorrow is a new day, my Luna. I promise it'll be better," Wyatt whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek and resuming his position in the bed. Chills ran up and down my spine as I held onto his words. He was so intoxicating. My mind went fuzzy and I fell asleep faster than I ever had before. I was safe, I was cared for, I had my mate.

I don't know how many hours I slept before I was jolted from my deep sleep by the most intense burning sensation I'd ever felt in my life. My Goddess, it was consuming my entire body! I hissed in pain before involuntarily letting out a loud yelp. There was a painful fire burning deep within me. Wyatt had stirred a bit when I yelped, but he hadn't yet awoken from his deep slumber. I sat up quickly and moved to the side of the bed, doubling over in pain. I immediately regretted pulling myself from his grasp.

I had only thought the pain was consuming my entire body, but no, as soon as I pulled away from Wyatt, the fires ignited in every part of my body that he had previously been touching: my back, the middle of my waist, the back of my thighs.

I started sobbing again as I cried out loudly in pain. What was happening to me?  

Thanks again to everyone who is reading! I appreciate you so much! Please vote, comment, and follow! I would love to hear your thoughts on the story so far. 

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